Spot The Difference

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A/N: the above is the "theme song" mentioned below and in previous chapters

POV: Mumbo 

I watch in shock as, not only does Evil X, EX for short, storm in, not only does Grian run toward him, not only does Grian then HUG him, NOT ONLY does EX hug him back, NOT ONLY DO THEY SHOUT EACH OTHER'S NAMES, but EX TAKES OF HIS HELMET. I don't care what you say, that was just about the most surprised anyone has ever been. 

EX and Grian pull apart, visibly tearing up, and to my surprise, EX's eyes are no longer red, like they were the last time we saw him, but grey-blue. They whisper something to each other, and then hug again, EX bending down to make it easier for the both of them. 

Then they seem to remember that they are in a ball room, at a party, with 20+ people, all of whom are now staring at them. They blush, and start to whisper to each other. 

Xisuma walks calmly across the room to face the two, what? Friends? Companions? Boyfriends?  I shake that last one off, and watch the drama unfold.

Xisuma, very loudly, i might add, asks the obvious. "Grian, EX-" "Xanthus or Even, please." Ex cuts Xisuma off. X sighs, and starts again. "Grian, Even, how do you know each other?" They look at each other, and its as if a message passed between the two. "I met him, uhh-" "we met during his recovery from the fall." Even answers for Grian. 

That is suspicious, Even answering for Grian like that.

"Ok..." Xisuma answers, clearly suspicious as well. "Let's try a different question. Why did you act like you thought the other was dead or something?" Xisuma asks. "Well, I didn't know i was moving until it happened, and Even had been grounded or something for the past few months, and you know how my parents feel about phones, so to him it was just like I disappeared, and for me i was worried he would blame me for not telling him i was moving." "I don't, by the way. Blame you, i mean." Grian smiles at Even. Then the duo turn back to Xisuma, anticipating an other question. 

Sure enough, it came. "Grian, do you know what Even did?" He says the last word with meaning. The two share another look and Grian answers "yes. I do." X furrows his brow, clearly confused. 

"So then why are you friends with him?" Xisuma asks. 

The two, Even included, look at a loss for words for a moment before Grian answers "Because that wasn't him. I know that for sure." 

"And how do you know that?" Is the next question. The two share another(very suspicious, i might add)look and Grian answers again. "Look at his eyes. What color are they?" Xisuma looks and answers "grey-blue." "Good." Grian says. "And what color were they when he did...that?" Xisuma thinks for a minute before saying "red." "And what color where they when you were little?" "Grey-blue." "Exactly! There's the answer! They aren't naturally red! And what changes eye color? Yes Mumbo." He says in response to my razed hand. "Possession. It can change eye color, usually to an unnatural color for humans, like purple, pink, or...or red." I finish. 

"Bingo!" Grian yells. "Even was possessed! Trust me, i, well, i have experience with possession. But anyway, how about that theme song then?"  

###and POV change: Grian 

As if in a trance, Xisuma walks over to the speaker, and pushes a button. Music blares, and i love it instantly.

"I've been locked in the locker, 

I was picked last in soccer,

And they say that its all fun,

But their fun, it an't fun, man, I'm done,

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