I promise this, a rebellion

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POV: Grian 

I stand in between the two sides, and call who goes next. "Xisuma, Wels, tell me why you don't want Hels to go." 

Wels goes first. "Because last I saw him he tried to take over our school." Then Xisuma. "And because we don't know he won't try to do it again. If he goes to the Admin meeting, he could kill the Admins. The simple answer is, we don't trust him." 

Next, I turn to Hels, NPG, and Xanthus. Hels speaks. "I was under mind control. The ruler of the nether was mind controlling all of us. Why do you think Tango ran away?" 

"Let's say you were under mind control, how do we know you aren't anymore?" Wels asks. Hels turns to me and I sigh. "I know how to convince you. Hels, I order you as your king to show the past." Hels nods, and his eyes go completely white, like Herobrine. 

Then In front of us appears a magic hologram showing a netherscape.

There is a nether fortress over a lava lake, and the partials in the air are that of a soul sand valley.  There are humanoid something's in the lava, fortresses, and flying around on leathery bat-like wings. The 'camera' zooms in, and changes the sene. Now the view is that of a thrown room, with a nether build palette. On the thrown is an evil looking dude with devil wings, tail, and horns, all red. 

He laughs, and you can just tell he's pure evil. A slightly younger Hels walks in, singing a song under his breath.

"A heart of stone, a laugh of  ice, 

A devil's soul, a villain's device,

Evil to the core, death, amusing,

Rise, the subjects, your abusing, 

We will fight, and we will win, 

I promise this, a rebellion, 

We will never surrender,

I will stay the defender, 

I have allies, I have friends,

A secret weapon, to make you meet your end, 

Someone with power, greater than yours, 

We can trust him, our victory, he insures, 

He is a friend, a leader, a brother,

A fighter, a rebel, another,

Person to fight, person to win, 

I promise this, a rebellion"

Out of holes in the walls pours hundreds of humanoids, all bearing weapons. The majority of them head over to join the king, who just so happens to be the devil, and some others rush over to help Hels. 

"He is a hero, a soldier, a ruffian, it's-" 

There, Hels is cut off by an other voice, a very distinct, British voice. 

"GRIAN!" The younger me yells, appearing out of thin air. 

The watching Wels and Xisuma gasp simultaneously. "Is that-" Xisuma starts. 

"Grian is-" Wels asks. I grin mischievously. "Yes that is me." I have to work hard not to laugh at the dumb founded people in front of me. "Is that enough convincing?" I ask innocently. Xisuma  picks his jaw up off the ground, and then turns to me saying "So, let me get this straight, your the king of the Nethreans?(pronounced nethrens)" "yep." I say. "How old are you in this, thing?" Wels asks. I think for a minute, doing the mental math. "About 13, I think." "You became king of an entire race/speeches through combat at 13!?" "Yes." I reply. "I was still learning to do leaning my multiplication tables." Wels mutters. 

At this point, Xisuma and Wels just gave up trying to make Xanthus, NPG, and Hels stay. Good thing too, because by that point, it was around 10:30, and way past all of our bed times. Xisuma invites me, Hels, NPG, and Wels to stay the night, and we all agree. 

We all have a delicious late dinner, and then we all go to bed, there being plenty of spare rooms in the mansion. 

I'm almost asleep when I hear a noise. A whimper, a scared whimper. It's thundering out side, part snow, part hail, and outside of the warm bed it's cold, but I get up anyway. I walk down the hallway, fallowing the whimpers. There, in X's room, is a small ball of green pjs. 

I walk up to the ball, and give it a hug. The ball startles, but instantly curls up in my lap. Who knew X was afraid of thunderstorms. 

Then I remember that Hels is also afraid of thunderstorms. I look around, making sure no one is watching, and then I pick up X, as if he is a small kitten. I carry him to Hels's room, and said Nethrean gratefully joins our little comfort pile. A minute later, Wels and Xanthus come in and join as well, sensing their brothers' discomfort. NPG comes next, and soon we have a pile of 16 year olds comforting each other. 

I can tell that X and Hels are still scared, so I start to tell a story, one that every Admin and Watcher is told, like a bed time story. 

"Once upon a time, there were five brothers..." I start.   

827 words. 

Written 6/21/2022

Edit 4/2/2023

Requested by @Shipers_Origins360 

There's ur fanart! I am especially proud of the lighting effects. 

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