[Chapter 61: Friendly Forgiveness]

Start from the beginning

"I...I won't. I...I promise. Thank you, Michael. Thank you." You responded with appreciation, gratitude glistening through your gaze instead of tears this time around as you hugged his notepad close to your chest. Then, you handed it back to him; pleased by what he'd just said, and how easily he'd just forgiven you. "I could never forget how much you care about me. Not anymore at least. That would be stupid."

His stare towards you softened up even further when you said that, your comment amusing him after he'd picked up his kitchen knife from the ground and pushed it back into his boiler suit's unnoticeably long pocket. But still, you weren't finished, holding his left hand with your right one before gently leading him into the hallway - so he could follow you downstairs like he always did. Overjoyed by your decision, Michael stuck to your side almost like glue; the silent stalker suddenly glaring past you. Oh, crap. Yeah...You'd told the red-haired doll to stand and wait for you until you were finished conversing and consulting with Michael. Glaring instantly back at him, Chucky stared with the utmost of hate also, tagging along next to you as you hesitantly headed down the stairs. Though where was all of this stemming from...? This Charles Lee Ray guy had started this whole conflict with Michael in the first place, so why was there such animosity bouncing back and forth between them now...?

Surely that silly, little prank hadn't pissed Michael off that much, now had it— "Ah, dearest. Pleasure to see you once more. I presume you've finished your conversation with Michael by now...?" Before you could finish thinking about the silent male's feelings, Hannibal snapped you straight out of your thoughts; standing right in the middle of the kitchen door and greeting you with the gentlest of voices.

"Oh um, yeah. I...I have. Good to see you again too." You replied warmly, trying to sound both relaxed and respectful yourself. "I pray that your breakfast went well while I was upstairs...?"

"It was of...high quality, I suppose you could say. Adequate in my eyes though, as per usual." He pleasantly critiqued, shooting you a charmingly sweet smile while he criticised his own food. It was almost like he'd grown tired of it. Like it...Like it bored him by this point.

"I...see. Well, if you'll excuse me, I have to cook some breakfast now. I'd hate for it to become too late." You commented in a lighthearted fashion, brushing delicately past him and entering the kitchen yourself so you could start creating something to eat.

But then—"(Y-Y/N)...! Y-You're BACK...!" Norman called out cheerfully, flinging his arms around your body and cuddling into your chest within mere seconds. "Y-You didn't tell me t-that you were b-back downstairs, s-silly...!"

"You idiot, she just got down here." Chucky bluntly mentioned, somehow managing to sit on top of the kitchen countertop from behind and swing his plastic legs uncaringly.

"H-HOW was I s-supposed to KNOW that-!?" Norman snapped back furiously, his mood switching abruptly from excited to enraged. "I-I JUST got here...! I-If anything, Y-YOU should be t-the one who SHOULDN'T b-be here—! So Y-YOU'RE the i-idiot...! NOT m-me...!"

"Hey now, let's not start anything this early in the day." You quickly protested, placing your hands on the unstable slasher's shoulders before squeezing them both soothingly. "You know he's just trying to rile you up, right? So let's just...enjoy breakfast like we always do, m'kay...?"

"B-But he...HE called M-ME an idiot...!" Norman sobbed with a hysterical attitude, acting as though he'd just been physically assaulted or realistically attacked.

"I get that. Really, I do. And it was mean. But wouldn't you rather have something to eat and spend some time with each other instead...?" You sympathetically suggested; your sudden recommendation winning him over whilst spinning his emotions back around at the very same time.

"D-Do you REALLY m-mean that, (Y-Y/n)...!?"
"That depends. Do you not believe I mean that...?"
"O-Of course I believe t-that you mean that...!"
"Then let's go cook some breakfast together."

His Infatuation - Slashers x Reader [Book Three]Where stories live. Discover now