The lair of legends

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(Rocket POV)

We were packing up my apartment to move to Ivy's old place. The building had been classed as condemned. I had no idea how many people actually lived there, until I saw so many of them packing up their cars

I of course, found out their names and helped 'em out financially, promising 'em that their apartments will be upgraded and ready for 'em to move back into soon

I had contacted a builder, this was my first real home, and I wasn't just gonna abandon it. He said he couldn't do much until the investigation had been closed, or the police had released the property

The owner of the apartment building didn't want to rebuild, apparently he was offered a lot of money by a big corporation to sell it, so they can, as they call it, gentrifying the neighbourhood. In layman's term, kick out the poor and move in the rich, so I doubled the offer instead. The greedy bastard didn't even blink when he saw the amount, and accepted instantly 

I was currently picking up destroyed plants and putting them in pots I found in my now non-existent kitchen. I was hoping Ivy could save 'em. I had a little cry when my Onyx Rose looked shredded

Harley was in the money room, packing all the bills into big black plastic bags. I had already packed my computer stuff, they were in the Uhaul parked out front

Apparently there was plenty of room for more people at Ivy's lair, so until the building is back to normal, Jade is moving with us. Her and Barbara are currently packing her things

Jade and Ivy never told me what happened to the comet, only that I didn't need to worry about it getting into the wrong hands

I was bent over, packing Jackie Chans favourite toys, when there was a knock behind me. I turned to see two uniformed Police Officers at my door

"I'm sorry to disturb you ma'am, but are you Kelly Smith?" The female of the two asked. She was quite pretty with amazing silver hair, and an eyepatch on her left eye, that doesn't look standard issue....actually, nothing they're wearing looks standard issue. They both look like they came from a strip club

I stood up straight, frowning at them "Yes"

"Are you the owner of this apartment?"


"Ma'am, we got a tip that this bombing was no accident, we'd like to ask you a few questions"

"Is any bombing an accident?" I snort

They both looked at each as the man speaks this time "I guess not. Would it be okay if we took you down town? Just so we can rule you out"

" think I bombed my own place?" I growled "With my babies inside!"

"People have done more for less" He shrugs

It took everything in me not to kill him right there "I'll come to the station later, right now I'm busy" I tell 'em and turn around to pack more toys into a bag

"We need you to come now. We'll arrest you if we must" The guy snapped. I spin around to the man and reach for my blade on my back

The woman quickly steps forwards, trying to calm her partner "This afternoon is fine ma'am. It'll just be routine questions"

"No it won't" I scoff "You found that dude at the mall"

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