Building solid relationships

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(Rocket POV)

I've been in this fucking room for 2 fucking days. I haven't had a thing to eat or drink cause the guards would throw the food onto the floor, it landing in someone's shit. When I asked for a drink, he opened the panel, drank it and closed the panel again

When the doors finally opened, Sinner stood there and smirked "How funny is it now?"

"Well, I'd fire your cleaning staff" I shrugged "They missed a spot"

"Hilarious" She drawled "Take her to her cell for her clothes, then get her bathed, she smells like shit"

"Oh Mummy, you're turning me on"

She rolled her eyes and stormed away, making me laugh

Once I was handcuffed, another guard I'd not seen before, guided me to the exit and back to where the cells were. When I went past Alberto's cell, I kick the front of it, making him jump and glare at me

I made a cutting motion with my thumb on my neck, but the guard pulled me away "Get your clothes!" He growled when we made it to my cell

"Sir! Yes sir!" I saluted. There was a neat folded pile of Arkham assigned wear sitting on my pillow. Picking 'em up, I followed the guard to a corridor that lead to a large bathroom

There weren't any stalls, just many showerheads across three walls "Hurry up! I'll be outside" He uncuffed me, then I watched him walk off and shook my head. He obviously thought he had more power and control than what he actually did

I quickly stripped my clothes and haphazardly threw 'em across the room. I turned on the shower head in the furtherest corner of the room, and moaned when the hot water hit my tired body

I didn't sleep a wink in that room, there was nowhere to lay down, unless I want to use a pile of faeces as a pillow. I just simply floated in the air and did some research on my computer

I had searched other states for missing children, and was devastated that at least 460,000 are unaccounted for

I noticed in some areas, the amount had tripled in the last month. Low income family, high crime rate areas, and most of 'em were melanin under the age of 5

He must've thought no one would care, but he underestimated the power of the men and women in the families. Aunties, Uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, grandparents, they were all out in force, screaming at the police to do their fucking job

So I hacked into every single camera in each area and let my system run facial recognition. If the cops won't get off their asses, I'd do it myself

I was scrubbing my feet When I heard a whistle behind me, turning around, I find 5 guys all wearing towels around their waists "What did I say boys? Easy on the eyes" One of 'em stated

I noticed their eyes went to my dick, so I twisted my hips allowing it to slap against my thighs "Ya like the show?" I snickered, as a couple of 'em went beat red and turned away "Now, let me guess who you are?" I looked to the tallest guy on the left. He had a square jaw, prominent chin and big lips that were framed by a thick, black, trimmed beard. The hair on his head could rival Superman, but he did have beautiful blue eyes. He was tall, well over my height of 6'4", and muscles upon muscles "You're definitely Maxie Zeus" I point at him

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