Chapter 21: Black

Start from the beginning

"That's Harry's birthday. You flea bag." Lily stood up.

Sirius looked for the familiar voice to see her at the end of the table. "Lil Lil? You're awake? Teddy? What are you doing here?" He was really confused.

"Black, you have only been concerned for Harry that you don't see what goes on around you. If Harry isn't involved, you don't know about it." Severus said.

"I'm trying to give Harry a family. He was so neglected as a child." Sirius tried to defend himself.

"Well, in the processes, you neglected your own child." Cassie said.

"No. No. No. I didn't mean to!" He said.

"It's too late. You can't repair this. Go home to your 'son'. Let me be with my family." She spat out.

A light bulb went off in Sirius head. "This all makes sense. This is why you hate Harry!"

"No, Sirius. It's why I hate both of you." Cassie sneered.

Severus smiled. She finally stuck up for herself, and the sneer was definitely a solid 10.

"Fine. You are welcome back anytime. However I feel like that will not be an option. And Draco, your dad is looking for you." Just that Sirius apperated away.

"You did great Cassie. You finally put your foot in his ass and it was wonderful. How fo you feel?" Lily asked.

"Really good! I wish he would have cried though. That would have but the cherry on top. But I'll take what I got, embarrassment." She smiled.

"Draco. You and I should probably go see your father. Before he comes here." Lily said.

"Yeah. We will go after breakfast." He sighed.

"I'll come with you babe." Leah said.

"No!" The 4 wizards cried.

"He is my imprint! I will protect him!" Leah yelled.

"Leah, Lucius is.....unstable. we will take Dad with us, but it is safer for all if you stay here. I will make sure he will come back." Lily said.

"I don't like the idea of you going if this guy is unstable honey." Sam spoke for the first time.

"We will be fine. I promise." She leaned into kiss him. She whispered in his ear. "I also have a surprise for you tonight." She sat up and winked.

He smiled ear to ear. "Well. Make sure you're back in time to bed."
Malfoy Manor

Lucius was at his writing desk. He was reading over proposals at the ministry when his floo network went off.

"Ahh, Draco. Finally deciding to come home?" He said without looking up.

"No, I came here to say a proper goodbye. I will not be returning after this." Draco said.

Lucius head snapped up and saw Draco was not alone. "Lily, Serverus, this is a family matter. You may leave the way you came." Lucius rose from his chair.

"I'm sorry, sir, but I won't be leaving without Draco." Lily said.

"Shut your trap blood traitor! You are not welcome in my home. You may be Severus daughter now, but you are still not welcomed."

"Draco, Lily, why don't you go home and I will be along shortly." Severus said calmly.

"Draco, you will not be leaving!" Lucius pulled his wand.

"Expelliarmus!" Lily yelled.

Draco pulled Lily to the floo and were gone within seconds.

"Severus! I trusted you! How dare you betray me! And to think I made you my son's godfather." Lucius was fuming.

"You're correct. I am his godfather. I made a vow to protect him, and unfortunately, it has to be from you right now. You are not well, my friend.
You and Lily were always close
She even called you 'Uncle Lucy'. You were tortured too much in the war, and it jumbled something upstairs. You need to see a mental healer." Severus said.

"Go to hell, Severus! Leave my home, and thanks for taking THOSE blood traitors with you."

"As you wish, Lucius." Severus was disappointed. He wanted his friend to be well again, but it didn't seem like it would ever happen.

Severus decided that instead of heading home, he was gonna make a pit stop on the way.
Severus walked into a very run-down building. He couldn't believe her family put her here. He needed to bring her back with him.

"Damn! I'm turning into Lily and adopting all these kids. Can't tell who is rubbing off on who."

He knocked on the door that read K5. The door opened to reveal a 16 year old girl with red hair and green eyes.

"Professor Snape? How are you?" She asked.

"I'm doing well, Amelia. I heard your parents kicked you out and put you here. Are you doing well?" Severus asked.

"Too be honest, not really. The building isn't safe, and i barely have food. I do what I can, but when you are 16 with no parents, it can be hard." She admitted.

"Well, pack up Mia. You are coming home with me. I won't leave you here. I live close to Lily, Draco, and Cassie, so you won't be alone." He said.

"Really? I don't want to be too much trouble." Mia said.

"You aren't. Your parents are disgusting for doing this to you. Can you believe people think the Weasley are saints? They threw their own daughter out because she landed in slytherin." Severus was rambling.

"Well, I don't have much. Just some clothes. Give me a minute." She smiled.

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