To The Beginning

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At the unknown lair, Ennard revealed himself as a half wolf and half animatronic to his own reflection.

"Recognise me yet, brother? Not so fallen apart anymore aye," He snarled.

He walked over to his table where he had three weapons.

"This one's good for taking out eyes," He said as he pointed at the middle blade.

"This one could chop off a hand," He continued as he pointed the blade on the left.

"But this one... Oh, there goes your head!" He ended as he pointed at the blade on the right.

He turned around and looked at his scar on his arm, then started growling.

"I can't believe that I got beaten up by a HUMAN CHILD!!!! ONE DAY, I'LL GET HER BACK!" Ennard snarled.

Meanwhile at the pizzeria, Toy Chica, Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, and Foxy were sitting around the radio, waiting for something to pop up until the radio started screeching. 

 All four of them went outside and Toy Bonnie saw the rest of the others walking towards them. 

 Foxy ran over to Mangle and hugged her for dear life. 

 Mangle hugged him back and started to feel his extensive warmth due to his pyro powers.

"Foxy, you're really warm," Mangle commented.

Foxy broke the hug and showed her his pyro powers, then what shocked him was that he saw a beautiful white lily flower on the left side of her head.

"You have plant powers," He questioned.

"Yeah, the flowers were kinda all over me, but I think I look good like this," She replied as she showed him her flower covered outfit.

"What about Y/n? Did she make it out okay," Toy Bonnie asked.

Mangle suddenly saddens and the flowers from her outfit start wilting. 

 Toy Chica and Foxy knew that something had happened to me during their rescue.

"She saved Bonnie's life and was fighting against Ennard after she helped him escape," Mangle replied as a few tears started coming out of her eyes.

"What happened to her after," Toy Chica asked.

"She disappeared after fighting against him until we saw her intimidating Nightmare Bonnie to go after her," Puppet replied.

Toy Chica, Toy Bonnie, Toy Freddy, and Foxy were shocked and upset about what was happening, but Toy Bonnie looked over from a distance with determination on his face.

"Guys, we have to get out there and get Y/n back," Toy Bonnie announced.

"WHAT?! And also risking our lives against Ennard?! I don't think so, we can't go back there," Bonnie exclaimed.

"We have to! Y/n has helped us so much that you have no idea. We know she had a rough childhood and came to us as a refuge, but she showed us that we can be a family regardless of who we are, animatronics or humans. Puppet, you took her in and comforted her when she was at her worst. Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, Foxy, you guys showed her the love and care that she hasn't received before. Fredbear, Mangle, you guys were her patients when she was able to fix you two under a minute. After what she did for us, we thanked her by making her part of us and now she's thanking us back by protecting the family that she loved. And that family is us, all together," Toy Bonnie said, encouraging.

"Now this is the time where we have to go out there and save our kid, the Tinker Bell that we loved the most," He added.

Freddy heard some screeching noises from his walkie-talkie and suddenly heard my voice.

"Freddy, are you there?" I asked.

"Y/n! Thank goodness! Are you okay," Freddy asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. I gotta warn you and the others. Ennard's becoming more monstrous than ever," I replied.

"What do you mean he's becoming more monstrous than ever," Fredbear asked.

"I think his bitterness and anger must've turned him into a half wolf and half animatronic," I replied.

"Y/n, tell us where you're at, so we can find you," Puppet suggested.

"That's the problem. Ennard's gonna know where I'm at because his hearing is more efficient than mine," I said.

"Y/n, if you can feel if Ennard's coming your way, start running fast," Freddy said.

"Okay, I will. I promise that I'll come back home," I said.

"Okay, we love you," Chica said.

"Love you too, Mama. Oh! I mean... Chica," I hung up.

Chica was in shock that I called her mom and she felt like her dream just came true, so she looked at Freddy to see if he could be my dad. 

 All of them teamed up together with Toy Bonnie and decided to bring me back home.

Give credit to Abby SFM for making this incredible series and let's give her time to make another episode because this episode is part of the mid series of season 3. 

 Please show her some love by subscribing to her channel on Youtube.

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