Corruption 3

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"You are not welcome here!" Freddy yelled.

"Am I not? Sorry. We must be lost. It's taken me a long time to find somewhere to stay. You know what it's like being alone, abandoned, forgotten, useless. But now that I am home, this place is pretty trashy to begin with. Could use a renovation. Let me help you with that," Ennard said.

"Wait! Stop! Brother, please. Stop this madness! I'm sorry for what happened to you all those years ago, but times have changed and we must move on from our mistakes," Puppet pleaded.

"Times have changed for you, but it will always remain the same as it did the moment we split apart. All I asked is for a guardian, a role model, something our parents never gave me. I guess that's too much to ask to this day," Ennard said.

"I understand. Just please, don't harm anyone else in this place, regardless of what they've done. If you want blood, I'm all yours," Puppet said.

I crawled over to the hallway along with my toolbox and saw Bonnie holding a shovel, and he was ready to whack it at Fredbear.

 I grabbed my taser bat from my toolbox and swung it at Bonnie as he fell to the ground.

"Y/n," Fredbear questioned.

"Bonnie's under Ennard's control," I stated.

As Ennard turned off the lights, everyone ran into certain places and I told Fredbear to take Bonnie somewhere while I took care of Ennard.

"Hey Ennard! Come out! Come out! Wherever you are," I yelled out as I grabbed out my baseball bat with broken nails.

As Ennard started running towards my direction, I immediately whacked him on the head as he fell to the ground and started running to a different direction.

"Is it true? Is he back? Am I going mad?" Fredbear sang.

"One mistake is all it takes, and this may go bad!" I sang as I observed my surroundings.

"No one's there!" Foxy sang.

"No one's there!" I sang.

"No one's-" Toy Chica sang.

"Is somebody there?" Ennard sang.

"Few more hours left for me to stall!" I sang as I checked around the halls.

"Why's that lil kid sneaking down the hall?" Nightmare Bonnie sang.

"No one's there!" I sang.

"Someone's there!" Toy Bonnie sang.

"Wish I could say no one's /Someone's there!" Me and Puppet sang.

"Hi there!" I yelled as I whacked Nightmare Bonnie's head.

"Ok, nice working with ya," I said as I continued running.

"I'll fill the void with noise... Just focus on me!" I sang.

"Something's breathing out beyond the door!" Foxy sang.

"Hey it's me, I swear we've met before!" Ennard sang as he placed his ear at the door.

"I don't care!" Mangle sang.

"No one's there!" I sang.

"Where'd Y/n go?" Chica sang

"She's out there!" Freddy sang.

"Hurry guys, I think I'm losing ground!" I sang as I kept on running.

"Why's that lil kid making growling sounds?!" Ennard sang.

I let out a battle cry and started chasing after Ennard all over the place until I knocked him out with my taser bat.

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