Two Sides

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Underneath the bridge, Puppet and Fredbear setted up a little campfire as they sat themselves down to be near the light.

"How's life been?" Puppet asked.

"Sorry! I... uh," He stuttered.

"It's okay, Puppet. I know how hard this is for you to do," Fredbear said as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Puppet? I've had that name for so long, It's like I've forgotten my real one," Puppet said.

"What's your real name," Fredbear asked.

"Michael," Puppet said.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you, Michael," Fredbear said as he shaked hands with him.

As Puppet was about to walk away, Fredbear knew what's going on until Puppet bursted out.

"Don't you understand how hard it is for me?! Ennard is my brother!! MY BROTHER! And I'm given the task to kill him?! Sure, he's messed up in the head, but he's just a kid!! Nobody deserves to be killed for who they are and certainly not by their own brother," Puppet blurted.

Fredbear gave him a hug knowing that he went through the same thing with Springbonnie.

"You're right. You're absolutely right. I went through the same thing with Springbonnie and I know that he wasn't who he really was. Perhaps that's the case with Ennard too," Fredbear said.

"Yeah. I'm sorry," Puppet said.

"Don't be. It wasn't our fault. You know, as much as I have lost my brother, we still have a chance to bring yours back," Fredbear replied.

"I don't think so," Puppet said.

"Why," Fredbear asked.

"Because he's unstable. Before...... everything, he wasn't the perfect little boy he played out to be. I knew who he really was," Puppet replied.

"Troubled," Fredbear questioned.

"No. He was the devil," Puppet replied.

"Wait, what?" Fredbear exclaimed.

"When anyone was around, his personality shifted into an innocent young boy. But when he was alone, you said before that none of this is my fault, but everything actually is. If I had told my parents about Ennard's disturbed nature, none of this would have happened," Puppet said.

"Michael," Fredbear said in sorrow.

"I doubt you remember, but the day your restaurant closed down was the day Ennard died from you," Puppet cuts off.

"Me," Fredbear finished his sentence.

"Wait, you remember that??" Puppet asked.

"I tend to have dreams about my past. It slowly pieces together and that's a memory I've dreamt about. Although, I never knew that child was," Fredbear said with his head down.

"You don't have to say it," Puppet said.

"Thanks," Fredbear said.

As time went by, Freddy was busy talking to the others on the walkie talkie whether they'll see another human again.

"Sure, there's nobody around, but that's also the best part," Freddy said.

"We can't say the same here," Toy Chica said.

"Why not," Freddy asked.

"I guess everyone's just afraid, you know," Toy Freddy replied.

"I know," Freddy said.

"So, do you think we will ever see another human again?" Toy Chica asked.

It wasn't long until Freddy heard a noise coming from downstairs.

"Chica, is that you?" Freddy asked.

"What? I'm right here," Chica said as she appeared from outside.

They heard more noises coming from the stairs and Freddy alerted Chica to hide outside. 

 As the intruder went upstairs, he saw the walkie talkie on the floor and suddenly shot at it. 

 Freddy comes out from his hiding spot and the intruder drops his shotgun, then desperately tries to grab his mini gun from his pocket.

"Please, we're not a threat!" Freddy pleaded.

"Woah, calm down!" He pleaded as the gun pointed his gun at him.

Chica looked down and saw the shotgun on the floor.

 As Freddy was trying to calm the intruder down, the intruder was about to fire until Chica got him from behind.

 Chica started shaking knowing what she has done and Freddy looked at her in shock.

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