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Mabel smirked as she dropped the phone on the bed and faced Lizzy.
"What did he say?" Lizzy asked her.
"Lol, he didn't even say anything. If he doesn't call me back, I'd destroy that Jessy of a girl, but if he does call me back, I'd assume he wants us to start afresh."
"I doubt he'd call you back, though." Lizzy stated.
"I'm sure he'd call back; he can't do anything about the post unless he gets back together with me and denies whatever is going on with him and that Jessy of a bitch!"
"Ugh! Bitvh! I hate her!" Lizzy spat venom out of her eyes as she remembered Jessy.
Some minutes later, her phone rang, and she screamed as she saw who the caller was: "He's calling, he's calling!"
"Who, who?"
"Wow, so fast!"
"Shhhhhhh! I'm picking it up now." She placed the phone on her right ear and said, "Hello Bryan."
"Let's meet Mabel, please, I beg." Mabel smirked as she heard Bryan's desperate voice over the phone. He wanted to meet with her—he was already desperate and wanted to meet with her so soon. She didn't expect him to accept her proposal so soon! If this was what got Bryan's attention, why didn't she do it sooner?
"Alright, Bryan, let's meet. Where do you want us to meet?"
"Anywhere you want, Mabel, anywhere you choose is fine by me, or how about we meet at Oyiks Diner?"
"Fine by me, Bryan." She cut the call and smirked once again, as she was sure she would get Bryan this time, because why else would she call to meet her so desperately, even to the extent of pleading?
She quickly wore the best of her revealing clothes; she had one thing in mind, which was to get Bryan to like her and forget about that damn bitch he called his best friend.
"Hmmm, shine your eyes. Mabel, shine your eyes; I don't trust this sudden meeting."
"I will, Lizzy; don't you trust me again?"
"I trust you, my boss." She smiled and left the apartment.
As she entered the diner, she saw that it was empty, which made her scrunch her forehead in a frown.
"Hello, Miss, How may I help you?"
"Oh, are you Miss Mabel?"
"Uhm, yes, I am; actually, I'm here to me—"
"Say no more, ma'am; you're here to meet Mr. Bryan, right?"
"Follow me, miss; you're lucky you got yourself a good man; he rented this whole diner for an hour, just for you both."
"Really?" She asked the chatty attendant, as she was surprised. Did Bryan really do that?
"Yes ma'am." The petite attendant confirmed, and she blushed: "Here you go, ma'am; he's waiting for you." The attendant opened the door to the VIP room, and she entered. As soon as she saw Bryan, her heart skipped a beat; he was so handsome and he dressed so breathtakingly, especially the glasses he wore, which made him look so professional and mind-blowing.
"Bryan." She smiled as she called his name, forgetting about everything and everyone as his eyes landed on her.
"Maybe, thank you for coming; I'm so honored to be here. Have your seat." He pulled out a chair for her to sit on, and she gracefully sat on it while smiling like a five-year-old who has been offered chocolate by her crush.
"Thank you also for wanting to meet with me." She replied as she watched him sit down as well.
"You're looking beautiful as always, Mabel." He complimented her.
"Thank you, Bryan; you don't look bad yourself."
"Thanks Mabel." He held her hands and looked lovingly at her, saying, "You're beautiful."
"Than her?"
"Honestly, Mabel, you're way more beautiful, both inside and out." He complimented her again, and she blushed deeply. Was this the Bryan who had always rejected her?
"Bryan... I... I...
"I want us to start afresh, but first, I would like to be sure if it was you that posted that article; it can't be you, right? Did someone force you to do it? Did Lizzy force you to do it?" He asked worriedly.
"No, Bryan, I did it all alone; no one forced me. I'm sorry for posting that article about the both of you; I didn't mean to; I was just, you know, kind of scared. I really like you, Bryan; I really do, and I want us to work, and you being with her is so painful. I want you to be with me, Bryan; just me and no one else, alright."
"I'll be honest, Mabel, but you have to tell me the truth about the article. Are you sure Lizzy didn't force you?"
"Okay, fine, she did help me, but that doesn't matter; all she did was help me with the article heading and body while I edited the picture and posted the article. She'd been helping me ever since the first article."
"Because she also doesn't like Jessy."
"But why would you do such a thing to her? What did Jessy do to you exactly?"
"What did she do to me?! She stole you from me!"
"She didn't..."
"She did; you like her; you said you like her; I saw you kissing her!"
"Fine, I was kissing her, but she doesn't... Alright, so you hate Jessy all because you saw me kissing her, and then you took a picture of the both of us and posted it online, with the help of Lizzy, right?"
"Bryan, we both don't like Jessy; we both don't; she stole the boys that we both liked from us; she stole Jayden from Lizzy; and thankfully, Lizzy was able to get him back; Jayden wouldn't have dumped Jessy if not for Lizzy; since Jessy refused to give Jayden access to her body, even after he tried to force her, he decided to move to Lizzy, who would give him access so willingly; but all the same, Lizzy hates Jessy for denying Jayden and also hates Jessy for being Jayden's first love."
"Yeah, but just because of you, Bryan, I can save her reputation. Just be with me, and everything will be alright." Then she saw as Bryan brought out his phone, and she remembered Lizzy's warning, "Hope you didn't record anything, let me have your phone, Bryan, you can't play smart with me." Bryan willingly passed the phone to her, and she searched his recording and saw that he didn't have any record of what she said. She searched around and saw that there wasn't even a hidden camera around.
"I don't do sneaky stuff like that, Mabel." Bryan laughed at her.
"What about your glasses?" She asked as he noticed he wore it throughout as she was talking.
"Oh this? It's nothing; wanna see it?" He removed the glasses and was about to pass them to her for her to check them out when she dismissed them.
"Don't worry, just don't wear it; I want to see your fine face." She flirted.
"Alright, anything for you, milady." He closed the glasses, hung them on his shirt, and smiled.

A/N: What are your thoughts? Why did Bryan suddenly want to start afresh with Mabel? Did he have some hidden plans?

Share your thoughts in the comment section below. I love y'all ❤️‍🔥
Lest I forget, this chapter is dedicated to three people, _arasimi_, su_waaa and Andhieisbea. Thanks for your wonderful comments and engagement 🥰🥰🥰🥰


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