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The exams were finally over, and all students were happy, especially the 400 level students. Bryan was so happy that he had successfully completed his schooling without attending unnecessary events, he had made sure to avoid parties, but since this would be his last party in school, he made sure to attend. His faculty would be hosting a party for the final year students and everyone was invited. Every student of the faculty of Management science was invited.

The party took place in the love garden at the faculty of Management science. So many students were present and Bryan was shocked at some of the ladies' dressing. He looked round in search of Jessy but couldn't find her.

"You're looking for your crush?" Richard teased.

"Shut up."

"Bryan!" Mabel called and rushed to meet him. Bryan rolled his eyes in disappointment as she came forward. He wasn't ready to meet her. It has been over a month now and their agreement had been annulled, so why was she still hung on him?

"Guy, see you." Richard said then moved away from Bryan and Mabel. He had seen the way Bryan looked at her and it was surely not a way that a fiance would look at his loving fiancee. He always had this look of hatred in his eyes whenever he looked at her. So he doubted if they were ever engaged. He found one of his crushes alone sipping a drink from the red Solo cups, he smiled and went to meet her, leaving Bryan with his ex-fiancee.

"What, please?" Bryan was exasperated as he sighed heavily.

"Can't I come and meet my ex-fiancee again?" She asked, holding his hand. Bryan untangled his hand from hers.

"You can't and besides you were a fake fiancee."

"But no one knows that, except you and I."

"We have announced that we have broken up, so it would be weird for you to be seen holding me in a compromising manner." He shot.

"No, it won't be weird, because we announced that we had a clean breakup, and that we would remain friends." She refuted.

"Exactly. So if you're seen holding me, it would bring suspicions, and I would like for you not to be even near me, Mabel." He spat, not even trying to sugar-coat his words.

"Alright, if you say so." She excused herself and left him.

"Thank God." He said after she had left. He looked round in search of the betrayer that he had called his friend and sighted him flirting with Lucy, a classmate of theirs. He couldn't go over to meet them knowing fully well that Richard won't be happy with him, because he was finally with his two-year-old crush. One thing he hated in life was being alone, he was always surrounded by people, especially girls who always wanted to get his attention, but after the last article about him and Mabel being a couple, he noticed that most of the girls that had always surrounded him had left him, and now he was no longer with Mabel, it was still the same. He really needed company badly. He searched round in search of anybody that he knew that was alone but found none, all of them were either dancing to the loud music with their dance partner or making out at a corner.

Seeing as he was lonely, he found a place nearby to seat, and as he was about to seat, he heard a girl call his name, and he became extremely happy.

"Hey, babe. What's up." He hollered at Ruth, a classmate of his. He knew that Ruth liked him but he respected her because when she confessed and he calmly rejected her, she accepted it wholeheartedly and was still flowing well with him.

"I'm fine. How far, so you finally decided to come to a party, huh? But why are you alone? That's so not you. The Bryan that I know was always surrounded with girls, if not girls, with his friends too."

"I wonder o."

"Abi you don reject all the girls wey don come your side today?" She joked which made Bryan laugh. [Or have you rejected all the girls that has come to you today?]

"No. Them never even near me, sef." He replied, not even wanting to count Mabel as part of them. [They've not even near me."

"Oya now, make we go get drinks." She urged and dragged him. "We must drink tonight. Tonight is our night, and this will probably be the last party that we would attend in this school, well except for convocation." They walked to the bar and asked for some drinks from the bartender.

"Strong alcoholic drink." Ruth instructed, "Bryan, you also, right?"

"Yeah, please." He replied absentmindedly. He looked round in search of Jessy but still couldn't find her. The bartender gave them their drinks and they thanked him and sat at the stool near the bar.

Bryan drank all of his drink and asked for more. He drank like three more cups before his head became light weighted.

"Bryan, stop drinking, okay? I want to go and dance, care to join me?" Ruth asked, and he shook his head rejecting her offer. "Alright then, I would go look for a dance partner. Oh? There, I've seen one. Bye Bryan."

"Bye." He replied. Again, he was alone. It was as if truly he was rejecting all girls that came to him. What was wrong with him? He knew what was wrong with him, and he knew that she was the only one that has the answer to his question. He missed her so much and he badly needed to see her. After their little talk last night, he made up his mind to confess to Jessy today and hopes, just hopes within him that she would accept be with him. He can't wait any longer and badly wants Jessy to be his. He wants to be able to hold her, kiss her, hug her and boldly tell people that she was his.

Throughout his exam period, all he could think of was Jessy, how it would be an honor to have her as his girlfriend. He knows so well how he had avoided this topic and for sure won't let this night pass without shooting his shot with his childhood best friend and crush.

* * * * *

A/N: Question for the day.

Would Bryan finally confess his feelings to Jessy, or would he shit his pants?🧐

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