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The next day, Jessy woke up from her bed with a terrible headache. She didn't know how she ended up on her bed with this terrible headache she got from the party. Yes, the party. She thought. She could remember seeing Bryan, and drinking about three to four cups of strong alcoholic drink, and...

"You're awake!" Cynthia's voice brought her out of her thoughts, she was trying really hard to recall exactly what happened after she drank those drinks.

"Uhm, yes."

"So you and Bryan..." Cynthia wiggled her eyebrow making her confuse.

"Me and Bryan what?"

"Oh... You're pretending now, huh? It's understandable, juts so you know, I saw you guys..."

"I don't understand, of course you saw us, I followed you to the party and I saw Bryan, no, and you saw Bryan, and told me, and I went to meet him, and..."

"Come on, stop trying to cover things up," Cynthia sounded pissed already making Jessy confused yet again, "I saw you and Bryan kissing at the bar."

"What?! Wait, what did you say?!"

"Didn't you hear me and besides why are you acting as if... Ohhhh... You didn't remember?"

"Remember what, all I could remember was drinking about three drinks of alcohol and... from there I couldn't remember anything. Besides, this headache... Ugh! But wait first, you said I and Bryan kissed? Like we kissed? Freaking kissed? Ohhhhhh..." Suddenly it was like everything came rushing to her at once, how she kissed Bryan first and how he later kissed her back. If not for the alcohol she wondered if she would have had the boldness to be able to do something so explicit like that.

"So you remember now, huh?"

"Yes, yes I do..." She was blushing like a red tomato now as she remembered not only the kiss, how Bryan's hand found its way under her red gown. The both of them were so drunk and were doing things that they wouldn't have done if they were sober, and not only that, she was now his girlfriend, not his best friend he sees as a little sister, but his girlfriend! Girlfriend that he kissed in public while his fingers almost touched her panties! This time around, she wasn't blushing like a red tomato anymore, she was blushing like a red pepper!

"Hmmm, something really happened, oya gist me, gist me." Cynthia screamed awaking Becca who was now waking up from her sleep looking so annoyed.

"What gist na, why are you guys disturbing someone's sleep?" Becca's groggy voice sounded so pissed off.

"Sorry, you're making noise nau..." Jessy scolded not wanting to spill anything that happened between her and Bryan. Wait, Bryan. Would he be able to remember what transpired between them, or would he have forgotten also? She thought to herself making her blush thoroughly decrease. She would be so sad if Bryan wasn't able to remember what happened last night.

"Sorry sorry, I was just trying to let Jessy tell us what happened between she and that her childhoo-"

"Oh Bryan! It's true, oya, spill it out gurl!" Becca was now interested in the gist, her sleep already forgotten.

"Fine, fine! We kissed..."

"Yess... we saw that, and what happened next, did Bryan finally confess to you?"

"Well, yes he did, and he asked me to be his girlfrien-"

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Both Becca and Cynthia screamed, their scream almost pulling down the whole hostel.

"Shhhhhhh! Your voice, people are still sleeping now..." Jessy hushed then but they ignored her.

"Dummy, this is seventeen minutes past five in the evening, and besides the hostel is almost empty, people are already going to their parents' house..."

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