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"He was just consoling him. You cheated on him. Such a nice and caring guy like him, you cheated on him. You are so disgusting!" Becca spat.

"But I didn't! Why won't no one believe me? Jayden is no saint. He almost raped me!" She protested and everyone was shocked.

"He did what?" Cynthia asked, in a doubting tone.

"He almost raped me," Jessy repeated.

"Jayden? I don't think so." Becca said, "he is such a nice guy."

"He isn't. Jayden almost raped me and when refused, since then, he became distant from me. I didn't know that by that time he was already dating Lizzy. It was just recently that I got to know that Lizzy was dating him behind my back." She explained.

"Are you serious about what you just said now?" Becca asked.

"Yes, babe. I'm extremely sure." She assured.

"Okay, then, so what's up about you and that your childhood best friend?" Cynthia asked, still doubting.


"Ehn, Bryan. Did you really make out with him?"

"What? No way! Never! He's my best friend, and I can't make out with him. Can you make out with your brother?" She questioned Cynthia, knowing fully well that Cynthia has a brother.

"Ewww... No."  Both Becca and Cynthia cringed.

"Then that is how it is for me and Bryan. I can't make out with him." She replied, not really convinced about what she was saying.

"So how are you going to convince people about this?" Cynthia asked, now convinced.

"That's what I don't know. I don't know who was behind that post, and I don't think it was Lizzy. Or could it be?" Jessy quizzed.

"Right now, I don't even know who Lizzy is anymore. She really made us think that Jayden was the victim here, and we now accused you of cheating on him when it was the other way around. We're really sorry, Jessy." Becca apologized.

"That's not a problem, if I was the one, I would have been slightly swayed too. Just imagine if a  BTS member finally got a girlfriend, then later we heard that the girlfriend cheated on him, how do you think people will react?" She asked them rhetorically.

"Ahhh! They would react badly, I don't even want to imagine it." Becca dismissed.

"Then that's slightly what people see. Even if I try to testify, I know that some people would not still believe me because they would still want to see Jayden as a saint, and I don't blame them. I blame myself for putting myself into this mess. I shouldn't have dated him in the first place."  She fused.

"Exactly. You shouldn't."  Cynthia agreed.

"So what will you do?" Becca asked.

"That, I think I know," Jessy replied, smirking.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *


On Saturday morning, Jessy found herself in front of her house. She wondered what she was doing there when she was meant to be in school even know that she was back home because of her parents' worried call concerning the Instagram post.

She pressed the doorbell and waited for any of them to open the door. It didn't take time before she saw her younger brother's head popped up.

"Hey, Jessy, you're back." He hollered.

"Yes." She replied curtly, making her way into the house.

"So, what was that post about?" Samuel quizzed, not even waiting for his sister to settle down.

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