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"You don't know that, 'cause if you know, you wouldn't accuse my son!" He yelled, the lowers his voice, thanking his God that Chief Raymond had rented the whole place for their talk today. "So who is this lady that would act as Bryan's fiancee?" He asked, ready to sort it out as soon as possible before people would start having another thought.

"My daughter. My daughter would be Bryan's fiancee. Her name is Mabel." Chief Raymond stated.

"Your daughter? I thought you only have a son, that had died. Or do you have another child that we didn't know about?" Charles asked confused.

"Oh! Sorry since their father died, I had taken them as my own children. It's my granddaughter instead. Her name is Mabel." Chief Raymond corrected.

"Okay, you want your granddaughter to be my son's fake fiance?" Charles asked for clarification.

"It mustn't be fake, but yes, that's it."

"So, may I ask why you decided to help using your granddaughter?" He questioned.

"Actually, it's my granddaughter that suggested it and I feel what she said made sense." Chief Raymond said.

"Hmmm... Alright, I would have to ask Bryan before I make any decision, it's his life so he has to make his decisions himself, especially concerning this matter. I'm just there to guide him whenever he fails to make the right one."

"Yes, that true. That's true. Ask him first and we will see what will happen from there, but I suggest that we do this as fast as possible, before the end of today, so that by this time tomorrow everything would be clarified already."

"Okay Chief, thank you Chief for your suggestion and proposal. I'd call you to inform you how it went." Charles said and stood up from his chair.

"Alright son." Chief Raymond replied as he stood up, putting out his right hand for a handshake, "we will see later."

"Yes, we will see later." Charles agreed and left.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

SUNDAY, 4:50 P.M

"Dad, how was it?" Bryan asked his dad as soon as his dad entered the house and was seated on the sofa.

"The meeting with Chief Raymond?" Charles asked his son.

"Obviously dad. You know that's what I'm talking about."

"Emm... It's was just... Okay, before I tell you, I have a question for you."

"What is the question dad?" Bryan asked worriedly, hoping that the question wasn't what his mother had asked him yesterday.

"This question has to do with you and Jessy." He emphasized.

"Okay, dad. Shoot."

"You and Jessy are close friends right? With no strings attached?" Charles asked his son. Truthfully, he didn't want his son to follow his footsteps when he was in the university, he just hoped that his son would be like his son. So far so good, he had noticed that Bryan had most of his mother's character and when it comes to the opposite sex, he realized that Bryan wasn't always with them, just one girl which was Jessy. At first, he thought that Bryan had liked Jessy, but after so many years and nothing happened between them, he felt that Bryan just saw Jessy as a younger sister and nothing more.

"Of course dad, we are close friends, nothing more, nothing less." Bryan answered.

"With no strings attached? See, Bryan, you are my son, my flesh and blood. I know how I was during my university days and... And I'm so grateful that you didn't follow my footsteps, really I am. So if you say that truthfully there isn't anything between you and Jessy, then I believe you, but..." He faltered.

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