Chapter 15

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Dejah POV

" I can't believe we're already back in school, summer went by so fast," I sighed as Z and I walked down the hallway holding hands.

" I can't believe I'm back in this school, " She replied as people kept looking at her. She just mugged them as I rolled my eyes and pulled us along to our lockers.

" Glaze would be proud of you, " Danny said as he dapped Z up and she looked down.

" I know, I miss him. You would've loved him baby, " Z mumbled and Danny agreed.

" I'm sure I would have, I'll see you guys at lunch alright ? " I mumbled as they nodded and I walked to my next class.

" What's her problem ? " I heard Danny ask as Z mumbled an 'I don't know', making me clench my jaw.

I'm lonely and I miss Bagg is my problem I thought as I walked the halls seeing people with their friends, their best ones. I may not be Bagg's best friend, but he's mine and I wish he hadn't graduated already. Z made it clear she doesn't want us or more specifically me to make friends, but what am I supposed to do ? Walk around lonely looking like a fool ? I did that shit already back at home.

I made it to my next class as I sat in the back and put my beats on. Every teacher so far has made me do the cliche of standing in front of the class and saying something about myself since I'm new and I'm not tryna do that shit again in this one.

" Well class... we have a new student joining us this year-"

" No, no I will not come to the front. My name is DJ now leave me alone, " I cut the teacher off as everyone turned around and looked at me and I gave them the finger, shocking them.

" I guess you'll fit right in with that level of disrespect," The teacher mumbled as I rolled my eyes, fighting the urge to walk out. School has never really been my thing.

The rest of class went by fine and the bell rang as we all rushed out of class. I walked to my locker and I saw Z and Danny were already waiting for me.

" Hey ma, how was class ? " Z asked as she kissed my cheek.

" It was fine, y'all ready to eat tho I'm starved, " I replied.

" Actually, we gotta make a drop, " Danny said as I just looked at them.

" Ain't you the one who don't want me making friends ? Am I supposed to just sit like a fool by myself ? " I questioned as I pushed Z off me.

" Relax ma-"

" Don't tell me to fucking relax Zanaya ! You can't just tell me to do one thing but then not give me no choice but to do it ! " I reasoned as Danny tried not to laugh.

" We probably won't even be gone that long, " She defended.

" But we gotta get a move on, later, " Danny cut in, dragging Z with him leaving me standing there.

I shook my head as I made my way to the lunchroom seeing how packed it was. I started walking trying to find an empty table to sit at, but almost all of them were already full.

" You can sit here if you want mami, " Some girl offered as I bit my lip, thinking.

" Come on, we don't bite, " Another girl across from her insisted as I gave in and sat down. There were two fems and a stud, maybe Z wouldn't be that mad...

But she fucking ditched me... also she can't tell me what to do and how to live my life !

But I also care about what she says... she just wants to protect me.

" Aye mami you hear us ? " One of them asked as I shook my head.

" My fault... what were you guys saying ? " I asked.

" I'm Asia, that's Courtney and Triniti, " Asia, one of them fems said as she nodded at the other fem, Courtney and the stud, Triniti.

" Wassup y'all I'm DJ, " I replied as they smiled.

" You're new right ? " Triniti asked as I nodded.

" Yeah, is it that obvious ? " I mumbled.

" Only at lunch, the same groups have been sitting at the same tables every year, " Courtney shrugged as I rose a brow.

" Not our whole group, some turned out to be snakes, " Triniti scoffed as she shook her head.

" I know what that's like, " I mumbled as Asia put her hand on my shoulder.

" Well you're at a new school now love so you can leave that all behind and start over, right ? " She suggested as I shrugged.

We ate our lunch as we talked a bit and we even exchanged numbers. Asia made a group chat with us and I was starting to feel happy that I actually made some friends.

" Who got you smiling at yo phone like that ? " Bagg teased as he was trying to find us something to watch, settling on On My Block.

" I made some friends at lunch and we exchanged numbers, " I explained as Bagg eyed me. " What ? "

" You know Z's gon flip right ? "

" Bagg, I know Z's tryna protect me but they seem fine, and I keep my gun on me at all times anyway, " I defened as he rolled his eyes.

" Why you hiding out in my room then ? " He said, cocking his head to the side as I squinted my eyes at him.

" I'm not I'm just... I'm still mad at Z for ditching me ! " I replied as he laughed.

" She didn't ditch you ma we had to handle business-"

" Who's side are you on ? " I cut him off, crossing my arms as he sat up.

" Yours of course, go talk to her tho before she breaks your phone at how much they blowing you up, " He replied as I rolled my eyes before getting up and going to her room.

" Hey," I said as I opened her door and sat down to straddle her lap.

" Hey baby, what took you so long ? " She asked against my neck as my breathing increased.

" Look I know you don't want me to make friends for my protection Z, but you're my girlfriend, not my mom. Also I know how to protect myself and I've proven that !" I blurted as she moved her head to look back up at me.

" Ma you have proven that and I trust you, it's just them I don't trust-"

" No it sounds like it's me, " I cut her off as she just looked at me and I rose my brow.

" Baby I do-"

" Then trust my judgment because I'm not about to sit around like a loser friendless for my last year of High School. I made friends at lunch after you ditched me and I like them, so that's that, " I said as she just looked at me.

" Fine, but if they do some shady shit, the blood is on your hands just as much as mine, " She replied as I rolled my eyes.

" Sure you're not still trigger happy ? " I teased as she chuckled.

" Hopefully you're right and I won't have to be again, " She said as she laid back, making me lay with her.

" You're not mad at me right ? " I asked, looking up at her as she ran a hand through my braids.

" No baby, I was being selfish and I'm sorry. Just be careful tho alright, and don't let them get too close, " She sighed as I nodded before kissing her and laying on her chest.

heyyyyy i'm back 😭 imma try to b consistent y'all i'm sorryyyy, and thank you for 3k reads🥲🫶🏽

remember to vote too 🫵🏽 and i renter my story in the watt's awards soooo wish me luck 🫦

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