Chapter 2

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Dejah POV

A few days have passed and I still hadn't heard from Gabby. I really missed and wanted to talk to her and the fact that she was deadass ignoring me was making me really upset.

Back at home whenever I needed to clear my head I always went for walks to feel better, so I decided that's what I was going to do now. I put on my crocs and went downstairs quietly, since it was late at night because I couldn't sleep.

I began walking and tried to block out my thoughts about Gabby and to just enjoy the feeling of outside instead. Somehow it always calmed me down, so that's all I was trying to focus on.

I was humming Hate the Club by Kehlani as I turned the corner, but immediately regretted it when I saw some guy getting beat up. I froze and turned around hoping they didn't hear me, but I of course knocked over a trash can.

Real nice DJ...

The guy beating the other one up turned to me as I backed up and started to run. Since I was in my crocs I wasn't going very fast and he ended up catching up to me as he put me against a building.

" Why you out at this time of night ma ? You too pretty to be spying on what grown folks got going on, " He said against my neck.

" I-I didn't really see anything okay ? And even if I did, I wouldn't have told anybody I swear ! " I cried as he started to laugh.

" That's what they all say, I'm still gon have to teach you a lesson tho, " He said as I froze.

" W-what do you mean ? " I dared to ask as I gasped as he went to pull my shorts along with his pants down.

" Don't act dumb now ma, just relax okay ? " He smirked as I screamed but he covered my mouth. Tears started to fall down my face until a gunshot sounded through my ears and they started to ring. I looked down to see that he had been shot in the leg as I gasped.

" Gavin what the fuck I tell you about being on this side of town ? You lucky I already have two fucking strikes, you not worth my last one, " Z scoffed as she walked over to me. "are you alright ? "

" Y-yeah, " I managed to say.

" Let me walk you home, " Z said as I nodded and she grabbed my hand. "what are you doing out here ma ? "

" I just wanted to clear my head and well..." I mumbeled as she squeezed my hand.

" DJ, you can't just walk these streets at night alone... especially with no weapon, " She sighed as tears started to form again.

" I-I didn't know, " I sniffled.

" I know, " She started. " I'm not just talking shit tho DJ, our hood our block... it's no joke. Look, if you decide to go on a walk again just tell me first alright ? Or have some type of protection at least okay ? "

" It's not like I have your number, " I mumbled.

" I'll give it to you when we're at your crib, I want you home safe first, " She said as I nodded and we continued walking. I couldn't believe what almost happened... how could I be so oblivious like I don't hear gun shots every night ?

We made it back to my house and we went up through my window since I realized I had forgotten my key. Now I know how Z gets up here I guess.

" What's the point of the windows having locks if they're so easy to break into, " I asked, shaking my head as we entered my room.

" I think it's just cause I can pick a lock with my eyes closed ma, " She chuckled as I rolled my eyes and took my shoes off. "So... why did you need to clear your head?"

" My girlfriend hasn't talked to me in days, so it's making a lot going through my head, " I explained as we sat on my bed.

" Why she ignoring you ? "

" How the fuck should I know Z ? " I scoffed as she rolled her eyes. "Why were you out tho ?"

" I think we both know I don't have to answer that out loud, " She replied as she rose a brow.

" You really have two strikes ? " I questioned.

" Yep, wanna know the details ? " She asked as I shook my head. "yeah I didn't think so. Back to your girlfriend tho, if she's the one, than why would she be ignoring you ?"

" I don't know, maybe she's just busy or something,"

" Busy cheating, " Z mumbled but I heard it and my jaw clenched.

" No she's not ! " I yelled as she smirked.

" You telling yourself that or me ? " She asked as I glared at her.

" Z get out forreal, " I groaned as I stood up and tried to pull her up, but she just pulled me on top of her. She licked her lips and looked me up and down, making me shiver.

" Naw I just got comfortable for real, " She smirked as I rolled my eyes.

" You're annoying, " I huffed as she shrugged.

" Saved your life tho, "

" Yeah... thanks again, " I said shyly as she chuckled.

" You welcome ma, I'll never let anything happen to you ight ? Now lemme get yo number so I can make sure of it, " She replied as I gave her my phone. "damn she really is ignoring you..."

" Bye Z ! " I said as I got off of her and she laughed.

" I'll fuck wit you later ma, " She smirked as she climbed out of my window and I laid back down. My phone started vibrating and I picked it up and smiled after seeing Gabby's name pop up.

" Hey baby ! Where have you been ? " I asked.

" My fault babygirl it's been a crazy few days but I'm here now, " She reassured as I smiled.

" It's okay, I'm just glad you called, I was starting to get worried, " I laughed as she shook her head.

" Naw baby ain no breaking up, this forever, " She said as I smiled again.

" I love you so much Gabby, " I sighed.

" And I love you more DJ, " She replied as I smiled, happy to have finally head from her.

DJ so dumb istg like you kno that girl could've texted you 😐 never settle for less y'all no matter how long you been wit them, no one is ever too busy idc !

how y'all like this tho it's good ? 🤭🤭

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