Chapter 1

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Dejah POV

I woke up to an empty bed realizing Z really wasn't playing about what she said. Shrugging, I rolled over and grabbed my phone, frowning because Gabby hadn't texted me yet. She promised me nothing would change between us now that I moved and I was trying not to overthink too much, but it felt like she was putting distance between us.

Gabby and I have been together for half a year and I really love her, she's the one I was sure of it. She's not my first love, but I didn't love my last girlfriend the way I love Gabby. We have something that can't be broken, so I guess me moving is just a test for our relationship.

I got up and got dressed since today I was going in for a job interview at Wendy's. Yes, I know it's fast food, but I was desperate for a job and it was only a few blocks away. My mom's new job was half an hour from our house, so she needed the car more than I did, especially since she worked so much. That made me realize I had to find something close to home for a job. My grandma also didn't have enough money to afford caring for a car, so she sold hers a few years back. Whenever she would need groceries or wanted food tho, she would just uber or doordash something to the house.

I got dressed and headed downstairs to leave, saying a quick bye to my grandma who was watching TV on the couch. She was retired and her husband died a few years ago, so she was just always in her own world. She wasn't depressed or anything, but she has always been introverted and preferred to stay to herself.

I started walking with my eyes to the ground since there was a lot of people out actually. I didn't want anyone to make me late for my interview tho and I just didn't feel like socializing.

" Aye ma lemme holla at you real quick ! " A male voice said as I just sped up walking.

Nope nope nope.

" I know you heard me baby ! Don't try to ignore me now, " He yelled louder as I heard other niggas laughing with him.

Almost there DJ, just ignore them.

" Dejah stop fucking playing wit me ! " I heard Z yell, making me stop in my tracks and turn around.

" I have a job interview, leave me alone for now ight ? " I huffed as I turned back around and everyone but Z laughed again.

" I know you ain jus let her talk to you like a bitch, B fucking U Z, " One of them said as they all laughed louder.

" Shut up nigga, that's why she a lesbian anyways, " Z snapped as they all shut up.

I shook my head and kept walking as I approached the Wendys' and walked inside. I was nervous, but I've worked a fast food and restaurant job already, so it shouldn't be anything I can't handle.

" Hello, are you Dejah ? " The cashier asked as I nodded. "alright lemme grab a manager for you ma."

" Thank you, " I smiled as he nodded and checked me out.

Boy I am gay, anyways...

I turned around and sat at a table in the dining room as I waited. Shortly after, an older lady approached me.

" Hi, my name is Steph and I'm the manager ! Go ahead and tell me about yourself Dejah, " She introduced as she shook my hand and we both sat down.

" Well I've worked in fast food and a restaurant environment before and I feel I would fit right in ! I'm really flexible with my availability too and I'm a reliable worker," I explained.

" Alright, and you told me on the phone you're new in town correct ? " She asked.

" Yep, I've been here for about two weeks I would say, " I responded as she nodded.

" Alright, well our hourly pay is 12 dollars an hour, when would you want to start ?"

" As soon as possible would be great, " I said as she laughed.

" Eager, I like it and your energy, you're hired Dejah. We can set up an orientation for later this week and go from there, sound good ? " She questioned.

" Yes please ! Thank you so much ! " I smiled as she nodded and gave a smile herself.

" Of course, I'll be in touch, " She said as we both stood up and shook hands again.

Damn, that was easy I thought to myself as I left to go back home. I had nothing else to do today, so I decided I would just go home and relax.

Since I was walking back home the same way, I hoped that Z and her friends would not still be out. I didn't want to get involved in whatever Z had going on, so I was hoping she would just keep her distance.

Plus I had a girlfriend, so what do I need her as a friend for ? Gabby always hated when I had friends that were gay and I don't wanna upset her.

I turned onto the street and was grateful that they weren't out anymore, so I continued the rest of my walk home in peace.

" How did your interview go ? " My grandma asked as I walked inside.

" Good, I got the job ! " I replied as she smiled.

" That's my DJ, good job baby, " She praised as I thanked her and went up to my room.

I opened my door and screamed as I saw Z laying on my bed.

" You okay DJ ? " I heard my grandma yell.

" Yeah, just a spider, " I lied as I closed the door.

" What the fuck are you-" I was cut off as Z grabbed me and threw me on the bed, pinning me down.

" You made me look like a fool Dejah, " She said angrily as I rolled my eyes.

" I told you to call me DJ, now get the fuck off me ! " I semi-yelled as she laughed before pressing a gun against my temple.

" Silly girl, I told you not to fuck with me. Why shouldn't I blow your brains out right fucking now ? " She asked as she pushed the gun further into my head.

" Cause you have no real reason to goofy, don't waste no bullets on me when all I did was make you look like a bitch was it ? " I taunted as her jaw clenched.

" Stop fucking playing with me Dejah I mean it, you lucky I'm in a good mood, " She replied as she put the gun back in her boxers.

I rolled my eyes, " Yeah ight, can you leave tho ? I wanna call my girlfriend."

" Didn't you just move ? What y'all still together for ? " She asked, raising a brow.

" She's the one for me, ain no breaking up, " I scoffed as she rolled her eyes.

" If you say so, how come she wasn't on the phone with you earlier when you walked through our hood alone than ? It ain't no joke around here ma, " She taunted as my jaw clenched now.

" Just leave Z, why do you even care ? " I sighed, crossing my arms.

" All I did was ask a question, sounds like you was wondering the same thing, I just voiced it, " She replied as she walked to my window and climbed out. "I'll fuck wit you later."

I shook my head as I got my phone out to call Gabby, but it went right to voicemail. Frustrated, I threw my phone across the room and just laid down, defeated.

Was Z right ?

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