Chapter 8

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Dejah POV

I was laying down watching a movie since Z and I had plans today, but I figured they were canceled and even if not I didn't wanna see her anyways. I should fuck her and her lil bitch up, I know I'm not a gangster but I've been in plenty of fucking fights before.

My thoughts were interrupted as I got a text from Bagg and opened it.

Big Bagg 🫵🏾 : slide to the trap ma, i gotta talk 2 u

DJ : is z and her bitch there ? 😒

Big Bagg 🫵🏾 : it don't matter, u comin 2 see me not yo girlfriend 😂

DJ : your not funny .

Big Bagg  : you're* and im hilarious , jus slide ight ? 🙏🏾

DJ : ight fine 🤦🏾‍♀️

I huffed and grabbed my gun and phone and headed downstairs. Since my mom was at work of course, I ordered an uber and waited for it. Once it was here I went downstairs and said bye to my grandma as she blew me a kiss.

We pulled up to the trap and I rolled my eyes seeing Z's car, I still got out tho.

" What the fuck you doing in my trap ? " Bex yelled at me as Z just stood there with her arm around her.

" Leave me alone shorty I'll fuck you up on my momma, " I snapped back, catching her off guard.

" Awww, you think you so gangster now because you have friends in a gang ? You a joke shorty, " She laughed as I pulled my gun out and shot right between her legs, making them both jump.

" Next time this joke won't fucking miss, " I spat as I walked past them, bumping her shoulder.

Glad Z helped me practice using this thing, I would've looked goofy.

I made my way upstairs and knocked before entering Bagg's room. He was rolling and I walked over to dap him up.

" What's good ma, aye what was that shot I heard ? " He asked.

" Had to show Bex I wasn't a joke, " I smirked as his jaw dropped.

" You surprise me more and more everyday... just like you being back with that bitch who cheated-"

" Bagg I'm not back with her, " I cut him off as he rose a brow.

" DJ spill yo guts and do it now, " He demanded as I sighed, but did as told.

" Z and I... fucked last night, " I whispered as he was shocked, but not too much.

" I'm surprised it took this long, wait... we just got Bex last night tho ? " He said confused.

" Now I know why she left in the night... " I shook my head as he nodded.

" Yeah last night she got the call from Bex that she was being released and then Z called us and we got her bitch ass, " He scoffed as I rose a brow.

" I think you need to spill your guts now, " I replied as Bagg ran a hand through his nappy ass afro.

" I can't say much cause Z will literally shoot me, but we hate her. Nobody more than me, but Z does too," He explained as my jaw dropped.

" Then why are they together ? " I nearly yelled as he shushed me.

" That's something you're gonna have to hear from Z herself, but I know Z and she digs you DJ. She hasn't looked at a shorty the way she looks at you in a long time, " He promised as I sighed.

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