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Maia watched the scenery fly by on the drive. She found herself falling asleep with the warm sunshine shining through the widows......

Abruptly there was a loud, long beep.

Maia's eyes flew open and she gazed around. The countryside had disappeared and in its place was a large bustling city. In front of the taxi lay a long tall red bridge Maia recognized at once: Brooklyn Bridge.

 In front of the taxi lay a long tall red bridge Maia recognized at once: Brooklyn Bridge

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I'm here! The girl's eyes shot open as she surveyed the site before her. They crossed the bridge and she stared at the water, lapping against the shoreline miles below

As they entered Manhattan, her eyes widened even further. Tall intricates piercing the sky. Sunlight glinting off shiny windows from large buildings that seem to go on for miles.

"Wow," Maia whispered aloud. I've never seen such a big city! Her hometown seemed like an ant compared to New York City!

"It sure is a breathtaking site," the taxi driver commented as he pulled into an intersection. He made a left turn and stopped in front of a tall, large building. "We've arrived."

"Thank you," Maia slung her large bag over her shoulder and pulled her matching red suitcase out.

She stopped at the window to pay the taxi driver. "Thank you."

"No problem," the middle aged man tipped his cap. "Enjoy your stay." he turned and pulled out onto the busy streets.

I'm sure I will. But I never realized the city would be this big! Maia watched until the taxi drove out of sight. She then turned and stared at the tall building in front of her. Its glass walls reached into the very high summit of the skies, into the clouds. Everything about it is modern-flashy and high-tech.

Okay. Here goes nothing. Mustering up all her courage, Maia extended her suitcase's handlebar and then she rolled it after her. She stepped through the automatic doors and inside the building. At once there was a uplifting tinkling that made her feel as though she were stepping into another time, into the future

It seemed to the teenager as if she had stepped into another world. Fancy modern chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Stairs spiraled up onto the next floor. Men and women dressed in fancy business attire walked about, performing their daily duties.

"May I help you?"

Maia was startled from her daze by a voice with a strong New York accent. Turning she came face to face with a blond-haired woman in a black pencil dress. She was holding a silver tablet in one hand and was watching Maia through her black thin framed glasses.

"Yes," Maia nodded a little nervously. "I'm here to see Mr. Joyce. I was accepted into an internship program here."

"Hmm," the secretary's fingers flew over her tablet. "Ah, I see. I shall tell Mr. Joy that you are h-"

"Ah! You have arrived!"

Both the secretary and Maia turned to see a bald haired man with black glasses and a stubble beard. He walked over to them beaming and held out his hand to Maia. "Miss Langston, I presume?"

 "Miss Langston, I presume?"

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"Y..yes," the girl nodded as she shook his hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," the middle aged man smiled in a welcoming way. "I am Joshua Joyce." he waved at the secretary. "I can take it from here Miss Evans."

The secretary nodded and went on her way. Joshua then looked at Maia. "I hope you enjoyed the drive here."

"It was beautiful," Maia answered, thinking of how different the country scenery was from this bustling metropolis.

"I am glad to hear that. This way please," the man turned and began leading her deeper into the lobby. "This is our more recent KSI Headquarters-we are very pleased to note that you are one of the first college students accepted into our newest internship program."

"Oh, I see," Maia's eyes were everywhere as she took in all the modern technology that was spread out throughout the building.

The CEO led her to the spiral stairs and they began climbing them to the first floor.

"You see, I have  come to realize that among the young minds of this world, the most intelligent and freshest ideas are found," Joshua explained.

Suddenly a voice called out. "Mr. Joyce?"

Pausing at the top the CEO glanced over the railing to the first level. "Yes, what is it?"

The young man in the suit below seemed nervous as he looked up. "Well, uh sir. Mr. Lennox has left a message for you."

"I'll get to it later," Joshua waved his hand in dismissal.

"It's important," the young man insisted. "He is on the line now and wishes to speak with you."

    "Stupid soldiers..." Joshua muttered to himself. He bent over the railing and shouted down in reply, "Alright. Tell him I will be right there, and send Mr. Jones up?"

    "Yes sir," the man  nodded and then hastily ran off to fulfill the errand.

    Joyce then turned to Maia. "I must apologize but I will have to leave one of my associates to finish the tour. He is one of the technology scientists here."   

"Oh," Understanding, Maia nodded. "That's quite alright."

Suddenly a familiar voice spoke.

"Maia, is that you?"

The girl spun around to see none other than a family young man in a suit striding across the room towards her. Her eyes widened. "Erick?"


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hehehe so I hope you all liked the cameos from and references to Age of Extinction :D More of this story will be out soon and I promise it gets really suspenseful! Please share this story with friends and try to spread the word about it! I really appreciate it!

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