Moonlight Sonatina

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"Maia! Wait!!"

Maia did not slow her pace as she stormed down the driveway.


Suddenly her arm was caught and turning around she came face to face with Erik.

"I'm really sorry, Maia," his face had an expression of shame and regret on it. "I...I just got caught up in the music and I-"

"Decided to kiss me?" Maia snapped. "On your own accord? Without my permission?" She folded her arms. "I just met you for heaven's sake. You're so Immature!" she glared at him. "I am a person-a woman, not a toy! I-"

"You're right."

That one simply and honestly stated sentence caught Maia. She paused her angry tirade and stared at the boy. She could see the remorse clearly spread across his face.

"Maia, I'm really sorry. I was wrong and I should never have done that," he looked at her apologetically. "If you want I can turn and go away right now and-"

"It's okay," She had seen enough. She knew he was truly sorry.

"I forgive you."

Relief washed over Erik's face. "Thank you so much, I really appreciate it. Is there any way I can make it up to you?"

"No, it's fine," Maia tried to not smile. What was it about this boy's personality that made her smile so much? She turned to walk on.

"Well," Erik met her pace. "At least let me walk you to your dorm."

Maia gave a slight nod of consent with her head. "Alright."

For a while the two walked in silence. The moonlight shone down, lighting up their path as they walked through the city sidewalk. All was quiet and peaceful. A gentle warm breeze was blowing through the air.

Suddenly Maia heard a humming sound-like that of a small machine or toy. When the sound did not disappear, she grew uneasy. She spun around, eyes glancing around wildly. "Did you hear that?"

Erik paused midstep and looked at her. "No. Hear what?"

Maia held a finger up to her mouth to signal him to be quiet. She then listened carefully. The noise had all at once faded.

Glancing around, she spotted nothing out of the ordinary. There was a silver sports car parked along the side of the road, apartment lights lighting up the streets. Everything seemed perfectly normal.

"I guess it was nothing," Shivering, Maia turned and began walking on, this time a little faster. Blast that PTSD making me act up over nothing.

"You okay?" Erik frowned at the expression of concern on his face.

She shrugged and looked at him. "I'm fine I-WHOA!" the girl gave a slight shriek as she tripped on something hard and fell over.

"Maia! Are you okay?" Hastily Erik offered her a hand.

"Yeah," With a grunt, Maia stood up. She put weight on her feet-nothing seemed broken-perhaps a few bruises but nothing truly damaging. "I'm fine, I just tripped on..." Bending down she picked up a small toy monster truck. "...Whatever kid's toy this is."

	She handed the toy to Erik who examined it

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She handed the toy to Erik who examined it. "Huh. I wonder who lost it."

"Maybe one of the guys?" Maia teased, "Do you play with remote controlled cars in your free time?"

Smiling, Erick shook his head. "No, but..." he did an elaborate bow and held the truck out to Maia. "M'Lady, I present this Truck to you as a gift of my gratitude for your forgiveness."

Laughing, Maia accepted the black Monster Truck. "Thank you Kind Sir, you are most kind," Examining the toy she then grinned at Erik and resumed walking. "I can't imagine how it will work without a remote controller."

"Maybe you're right about one of the guys owning it," Erik was thoughtful as they paused in front of the girls' dorm building. "Perhaps one of them was attempting to play a prank?"

Maia shrugged. "Maybe," with a wave she turned and began to walk up the steps to the building, the monster truck tucked under one arm.


She turned to face Erik. "Yeah?"

He seemed a little uncertain, "Well, I just wanted to stay, Goodnight," he smiled a little shyly. "I hope I get to see you next fall."

Her stomach felt a little flutter. "Yeah, me too," Shoot. Did I just say that out loud? Blushing, Maia hastily opened the door to the building and slipped inside. I just told him I hoped to see him again, out loud!

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