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Maia was startled from her tears when her phone began to ring. She reached into her pocket. Pulling her phone out, she glanced at the caller Id. It read: Henry Langston.

Hastily, she sniffed and used her hands to wipe the tears out of her eyes. Then breathing in deeply, she answered the phone, forcing her voice to be cheerful. "Hey Dad!"

"Hi Maia!" Henry's bright voice came over the phone system. "How are things going at college?"

"Really well," Maia could at least speak the truth on that. "I finish this Friday."

"Great!" Henry was so excited he sounded almost like an eager little boy. "I'll have Chris mind the shop and then I can swing by to pick you and your stuff up Monday; your birthday is the next Sunday so I figured we would do something special and..."

Breathing in deeply, Maia closed her eyes for a second. God, please help me to explain. "Um Dad," she tried to keep her tone calm and composed. "I won't be coming back this summer."

There was silence for a moment, then Henry spoke in a quiet voice, "Oh."
He's not taking it well. Wincing, Maia hurriedly gave an explanation. "It's not that I don't want to come back, but KSI  offered me an internship this summer and it will help with the college funds and..."

"It's okay Maia, you don't have to explain" Henry's voice was more level and steadier now. "I understand."

To the girl it sounded like her father was trying to force his voice to be cheerful. She wished she could smack herself. Why did it have to be so hard?

"I'll call you often and update you on how things go," Maia went on, unsure if she was trying to reassure herself or her father. "It's only for two months and then school will start up and I can come home for Christmas break..."

"Maia, I already told you; it's your decision to make-I'm glad you're doing the internship," Henry gently interrupted. "Now, if you don't need anything else, I have to go help a customer now."

Why did it hurt to hear that? Maia forced her voice to be bright, "Okay, thanks Dad-love you."

"Love you too."

There was a click.

With a groan, Maia dropped her phone face down on the desk and put her head in her hands.

Her father had been kind and said he was happy for her. But he had sounded like he was disappointed. Had he been planning on her coming home for the summer?

It wasn't that she did not want to come home, it's just...she wanted to do something important in the world-not to return to the ranch house where she had spent the past eighteen years. She needed some freedom-to go out into the world and make a stand.

She did not want to have to hurt her father-but she just had to take this internship. It was a big opportunity to do something special, to have a job and work herself up.

Suddenly her phone started ringing. Picking it up, Maia noted there was no caller ID. That's strange. She answered, "Hello?"

"Gurgle-bold...hishida Nashik."

"Hello?" Maia frowned, trying to make out the gibberish on the other end.


Rolling her eyes, Maia hung up the phone and set it back down on her desk. Stupid foreign caller. I hate pocket dialers. Just another thing to distract her from studying.

Sighing, she pushed the phone and computer aside. There was nothing she could do to fix the situation with her father.

She pulled out her textbook and opening it, set to work. Finals were still this Friday and if she wanted to be ready for the internship, she had better make sure her final freshman grades stayed up high.

College was supposed to change one's life. Yeah, it was definitely changing her life alright.

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