Little Boy Blue

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Nineteen year old Jacob Meyers zoomed down through the dry Pennsylvanian Countryside on his motorbike. He had upgraded it, including giving it a new coat of paint and some fresh parts. It ran smoothly and held no resemblance to the broken down old bike it had been just a year or so ago.

As he rounded the corner, a familiar white ranch house came into view. He revved the bike and roared up the long dirt driveway.

Climbing off his bike, he lowered the kickstand. He took off his helmet and glanced around.

Everything seemed so quiet and peaceful...that is until there was suddenly a loud bang followed by a sharp curse word.

Setting his helmet on his bike, Jacob began walking towards the large, detached garage which rested next to the house.

"Mr. Langston?" He inquired, opening the door. He was just in time for a piece of metal to fly towards his head. He hastily ducked.

"Sorry!" Fifty-one year old Henry Langston called out from where he was bent over the engine of an old blue Station Wagon.

	"Sorry!" Fifty-one year old Henry Langston called out from where he was bent over the engine of an old blue Station Wagon

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"It's alright, you didn't hit me," Jacob examined the vehicle with curious eyes. "She sure seems pretty beat up."

"Eh," Henry shrugged. "I'll get her running soon enough," he glanced at the car. "Hopefully in time for The Tylers' road trip."

Jacob nodded, "I'm sure you'll get it finished in time," Henry Langston was the best mechanic he knew in all of Pineville PA. He was talented with cars and almost always was able to fix any old beater, making it good as new. His daughter, Maia was just like him.

"How's community college?" Henry asked as he turned back to the car and began fiddling with the engine.

"Fine," Jacob leaned against the doorway to the garage. Henry was almost like a father to him-the father he never had. "Already finished for the year."
"That's good."

Jacob was silent for a few moments, then he spoke up. "Mr. Langston..."

"I've told you time and time again," the man wiped a gloved hand across his sweaty face as he frowned in a fatherly way at the boy. "You can call me Henry."

"Okay," Jacob nodded. He always forgot that. "Well, Henry...did Maia tell you-"

"-That she was not coming back for summer break?" Henry dropped the car's hood with a bang. "Yep. She told me the other night."

"Ah," Jacob fell silent for a moment. He kicked at the ground.

"She'll be waiting for you."

"What?" Startled, Jacob looked at Henry. "What do you mean?"

The man wiped his hands on a rag. "She isn't going to forget you."

How did he know I was worried about that? Jacob sighed. "Well she is at college."

"Yeah and I've seen the way she looks at you," Henry tossed the rag on the nearby toolbox. He turned and looked at the boy. "Same way I looked at Melissa," he shrugged. "She's not going to drop you for another boy."

Something about the words perked Jacob up a little. "You think so?"

Henry chuckled a little at the twenty year old's eagerness. "I know so." He patted him on the shoulder. "Why don't we go inside and have some ice tea. I could use a break."

"Sure," Jacob shrugged. He had some time to kill and it would be nice to talk with Henry.

Stepping out of the garage, Henry suddenly paused, his eyes down on the road.

"What is it?" Jacob came up beside him.

The man pointed down at the long dirt road. A shiny red and blue Tractor Trailing was steadily rolling up it followed by green, blue, and silver sports cars along with a brown ancient military truck. 

"Looks like we're going to have company

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"Looks like we're going to have company."

Jacob's eyes widened. He glanced at Henry. "Who?"

The man shook his head. "I have no idea," he began walking down towards the road to meet the cars. "But I intend to find out."

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