Move Along

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I think I got just about everything. Maia surveyed her now mostly empty dorm room. Then she spotted the frame on the wall.

Walking over to her bed she reached up and pulled the photo hanging there off the wall. It was a picture of her in her mother's red jumpsuit, standing next to Sideswipe who was in disguise as a corvette. Her grandfather, father, and Jacob were standing by her side. She was holding a trophy she and Sideswipe had won that day for placing first in the PA Championships.

Maia ran her finger down the picture. If only here grandfather were still here-he could give her advice.

I miss you. She whispered, a tear trailing down her cheek. It had only been a few months-yet it felt like forever.

Was she making the right choice in deciding to not return home?

Staring at the photograph a moment longer, Maia finally set it beside the toy monster truck, inside the large red bag that was situated on her bed. With a sigh, she zipped the bag shut.

"You gonna miss campus?" Emma asked entering the room to grab her suitcase-she had been making trips to her family's car.

"Yeah," Picking the bag up, Maia nodded. "I'll be back though," she made her way down the empty halls and outside.

Other students were gathering around cars, dragging luggage out, loading it into the vehicles. Many were saying farewell,some more tearful than others.

Maia paused in front of a taxi she had called to bring her the two hour drive to New York City where her internship would be.

Opening the backdoor, she slid the bag inside, next to her hard red suitcase.


A little started, Maia turned to see Erick walking over. He held out his hand with a smile. "It was nice meeting you, safe travels."

Smiling back at him, Maia shook his hand. "Thanks; see you in the fall," she climbed into the car and shut the door. Then she signaled the driver and they were off.

Maia watched through the back windows until the campus had disappeared out of sight. Then with a heavy sigh she looked forward. New York City, here I come.

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