You're safe now

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context: George had been kidnapped.after he was found he went home with his boyfriend Dream,but he needs some time to feel safe,Dream patiently helps him get comfortable again and realise that he's safe

TW mentions of sa,abuse,torture and topics like those.

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Dream walked into the room where George was peacefully sleeping.after he got home,Dream made him some food,but he didn't bother eating it.instead,he went into the first bedroom he could find,quickly falling asleep.Dream decided to sleep on the couch,he didn't wanna startle George.he walked over to the bed,sitting down softly.

George looked awful.

he had scars and bruises all over his small body,he was so much more skinnier,his hair was a tangled mess,his eye bags were huge and he just didn't look so good overall.

Dream sighed,looking at the poor boy,imagining all of the things he went through in the past three months.

"George,wake up honey" he put his hand on his shoulder to gently shake him awake,but before he could do that,Georges eyes shot open as he quickly sat up.

"woah hey,it's okay" Dream put his hands up in defense,trying to show the boy that he wasn't going to hurt him.

George let out a sigh,covering his heart with his right hand.if he didn't wake up in the first five seconds after he was told at the kidnappers house,he would get a punishment.he didn't want that to happen.

oh,how much Dream had missed him.all he wanted to do was hug the boy,but he knew George was still scared,traumatized.

"can i touch you?" he whispered softly,not wanting to make it seem like he had to say yes.

George shrugged. "i don't know" he whispered,not daring to look at Dream.

"okay,that's okay we don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with" Dream reassured him,keeping his hands to himself.

George nodded,awkwardly looking around the room.he missed the house.he missed his bedroom,he missed waking up in his bed without feeling threatened,he missed feeling safe with much as he wanted to latch onto Dream and listen to his soft praises,he was too scared.he didn't know why,but he was just so scared.

"do you wanna take a bath baby?" 

George didn't need a bath per se.his kidnapper made him shower every day,telling him he didn't wanna have sex with a dirty 'dog'.George teared up at the thought of what he did to him.he wanted a bath,he wanted to scrub off his hands off him.

he nodded softly,finally making eye contant with Dream.

Dream smiled,mumbling a soft 'okay' before going into the bathroom to get the bath ready.George sat on the bed,waiting for Dream to tell him what to do.

he filled up the bath,making sure it was the perfect temperature.he got George his sweatpants but got his own hoodie,knowing how much George loved the oversized hoodies,especially because they were Dreams.he got him underwear and placed everything on a towel before putting it on a counter.

he looked back to see George was still on the bed,looking at Dream.

"you can come,George" Dream said in a chuckling tone,confused on why the boy was just watching.

"oh m'sorry" George quickly got up,going into the bathroom.

the thing is,at his kidnappers house,he wasn't allowed to do anything without permission.he couldn't use the bathroom,take a shower,change his clothes,eat food,or even move from one place to another.

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