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requested by: @Norah0703 

context:Fem George.George is pregnant and Dream's the father <3 just some pregnancy fluff

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Dream was sitting on the couch,working on his laptop.he hadn't really been working at all since George got pregnant,but he still tries.George is pretty sensitive,especially now that she's pregnant so she requires basically all of Dream's attention.Dream doesn't mind at all,if anything,he loves it.

George walked downstairs mumbling something to himself while holding her belly.Dream watched as George got milk from the fridge,drinking it.

George sighed and looked around the kitchen for something she wanted,but it wasn't there.she didn't even know what she wanted.

she gave up and went over to the couch,sitting next to Dream.she kept tossing and turning,not being able to get comfortable.she whined in frustration,getting annoyed.she picked up a pillow,throwing it to the other side of the couch.

"hey hey,baby it's fine. c'mere" Dream opened his arms and George gladly accepted his offer.

she got in his lap,wrapping her hands around Dream's neck with a huff.Dream put the laptop aside and smiled,hugging his partner back.he rubbed Georges back,George now feeling comfortable.

Dream just stayed quiet.

he turned on a movie,figuring he'd be there like that for a while.George wasn't planning on sleeping,she was just tired and wanted to rest for a little while.

however,she fell asleep.

by the time she woke up,Dream had already finished the movie,he was now silently holding his lover.

George groaned,rubbing her eyes as she woke up.she lifted her head up,looking around before getting up without saying a word.she started making her way into the kitchen,feeling hungry.

"you need anything honey?"Dream asked,looking at his pregnant lover.

George just mumbled something Dream couldn't quite figure out.he decided to stand up and head over to George,helping her with whatever she was making,which turned out to be a sandwich.George put her food on the table next to a glass of milk.Dream continued working while George ate in silence.she qucikly finished her food,now just looking at Dream work.

George groaned,feeling unsatisfied.

"what's wrong baby?" Dream asked,George catching his attention.

"i don't know" George whined,dragging out the w.

"do you want a snack?" Dream closed his laptop.

George just whined like a baby,not even knowing what she wanted.her eyes started to water,hands clutched into tiny fists.

"baby it's okay,don't cry "Dream whispered,gently moving George to sit in his lap.

George clung onto Dream,starting to cry.she didn't even know why she was crying,she just was.Dream gently rocked her,whispering sweet nothings in her ear.George started to calm down,now occasioanlly sniffling and wiping her tears.

she held onto Dream like he was going to run away.Dream chuckled,holding his lover tighter.he rubbed George's back,placing delicate kisses on George's neck,knowing George loved them.

"you wanna go to sleep sweetheart?" Dream offered,giving her neck one last kiss.

George nodded,not even bothering to move a muscle.Dream picked George up,carrying her upstairs into their shared bedroom.they went into the bathroom,Dream running a bath for them.while the bathtub filled up,Dream stripped and then helped George out of her clothes.they got in the bath,Dream adding bubbles.George played with the bubbles while Dream washed George's hair,washing his own after.they dried off and got dressed,brushing their teeth after.Dream picked up George,gently placing her on the bed.he got in after,George giving Dream no time to get comfortable,immediately clinging onto him.Dream wrapped his arms around George,placing a kiss on her head.George snuggled into Dream's bare chest,tangling their legs together.George let out a sigh as she closed her eyes,getting ready to fall asleep. "good night baby" Dream mumbled to his already asleep lover before tightening his grip and falling asleep himself.

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