Chapter 22

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It was December 30th, Ben had just turned 18 three days earlier, and Professor Paradox showed up to update the Omnitrix giving Ben access to Master Control. But now he and his Team along with their newest member Raquel Ervin, otherwise known as Rocket, were inside the Hall of Justice watching the induction of the newest members of the League. "The Justice League was formed for two reasons. First, as an acknowledgment that no single individual... matter how powerful, can solve all the world's problems alone. And second, to uphold the values of truth, liberty, and justice. That, uh, last one's even in the name." Superman said, getting laughs from the audience. The Man of Steel then continued. "These five heroes have sworn to uphold those values." As the camera changed to show a panning shot of the newest members of the League. Dr. Fate, Plastic Man, The Atom, Icon, and Red Arrow. It then changed to show a familiar blonde reporter. "You are watching live coverage of the Justice League's induction of its five newest members. Looks like the entire League has shown up to welcome the new blood. Everyone from Batman to SHAZAM." "I'm glad they didn't kick Billy out. And I love the fact that there's a 10-year-old on the League." Wally said as he munched on an apple. "There is?" Raquel asked in shock. Ben groaned and facepalmed as Robin elbowed the redheaded speedster in the gut. "Way to keep a secret, genius." Robin said. "Hey, she's on the Team now, right?" Wally asked defensively. "Yeah, but she joined today dude. Let us get to know her first before we divulge the fact that the Team knows that one of the few members of the League that can go toe-to-toe with Superman is 10 years old and we know who he is." Ben said. "Fair enough." Wally said. Raquel was stunned to say the least. Then the Team was brought back to what was happening by the continuation of the news broadcast. ["Superman is now handing out official League membership cards... starting with Dr. Fate... ...The Atom... ...Plastic Man... ...and Icon."] Cat Grant said. "You know I was the one who convinced Icon to become a hero in the first place. I should be outside celebrating with him. Not hidden away in here." Raquel said clearly upset that she was inside the Hall and not out with Icon and the others. "Welcome to our world." Kaldur said. "Well, I suppose there's an upside too." Raquel said with a flirtatious tone and look.

"Hey, Ben weren't you supposed to be out there?" Artemis asked. "I told you guys. I turned down their offer to join the League." Ben said. "WHAT?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Raquel shouted at Ben practically demanding an answer. "Are you kidding me? Leave you guys alone? No can do. That, and... I don't think I'm ready to join. Maybe someday, but not right now? Besides the world doesn't even really know I exist yet." Ben told them. ["Finally, Green Arrow welcomes his former protégé, Speedy, now known as Red Arrow to this roster of heroes."] Cat Grant said over TV. "Way to go Roy!" Wally shouted joyfully. "At last, he has his wish." Kaldur said proud. "The first of us to make it. No one'll call him a sidekick anymore." Robin said hopeful. "Wait. Since when is being a sidekick a bad thing? You sidekicks were my inspiration." Raquel asked, not realizing she opened up a can of worms. "Well, see, six months ago..." Robin began before getting cut off by his communicator beeping. "What is it, Robin?" Ben asked standing up. "It's Chesire. She's been spotted." Robin answered. Ben smirked and said. "Well then what're we waiting for? A grand invitation? We've done shit like this without the League knowing before. What's gonna happen if we do it again?" The Team all ran to get changed and get in the Bioship. "So, wait. What's happening?" Raquel asked. "Simple. We're gonna go after someone the League has interest in without their knowledge. Granted they'll find out we did it, but by then it'll have been too late. So, whatd'ya say? Wanna join? We may not cover dental but it's fun!" Ben joked. Raquel chuckled and said. "Yeah, I'm in." "Then come on!" Ben said as suddenly he was enveloped in green light and wearing his uniform. Raquel ran after Ben to change and join them for the impromptu mission.

After an hour and a half of flying the Team were now in the Smokey mountains. "A-Are you sure it's her? I mean are absolutely positive?" Artemis asked nervously. "See for yourself." Robin said and pulled up footage showing a woman with a case boarding a private jet. "This is the security footage from the Asheville Regional Airport." Robin said as he paused the video and zoomed in on her face. "Facial recognition confirms that's Jade Nguyen. But, you've seen her without her mask. What do you think?" Robin asked. "It's Jade. Chesire." Artemis said disappointed. AF consoled her by rubbing her shoulder. "Agreed but focus on what she carries. Is that the case you saw in New Orleans? The one that got away?" Aqualad asked as the image moved to show an enhanced image of the case Chesire was carrying. "Yes." Artemis said after eyeing the case. "Okay, I'm guessing from the mug shot that this Chesire's the bad guy. But what's so important about that case?" Rocket asked. Robin pulled up an image of the Injustice League. "Remember the Injustice League?" He asked. "And their giant evil plants? Uh, yeah." Rocket said wanting them to get to the point. "The Team and the League put them in prison. With everyone working on that arrest thinking that they likely have others helping from the outside. And whatever is in that case is important to their plans." AF said. "We had a chance to grab it in New Orleans, but someone screwed up." KF said side eyeing Artemis. "Wally." AF snapped. "Approaching Chesire's jet." Miss Martian announced before gasping at what she saw. Everyone looked on in shock, with Artemis looking away tears forming, at a crashed jet in the middle of the mountain basin. "Looks like there were no survivors." Miss Martian said. "I doubt that. Chesire's known for getting out of sticky situations and making quick exits. We'll check around the immediate area to see if she's there, it doesn't look like it was a controlled decent after all. Robin, you're with me." AF told him. "Got it AF, but why?" Robin queried. "The black box should be intact. I want you to take a look at it." AF responded. Then in a flash of green AF transformed into a large, blue, jellyfish-like alien with white and blue patterns on his skin. His torso was wrapped around in his slime wrapped skin. He had five tendrils, four coming out of his torso and one coming from the bottom of his torso. He had a slightly darker blue fin on top of his head. He wore a black and white strap around his body. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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