Chapter 6

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Ben a long with the rest of the Team were all sitting in desks in the Cave being taught by Captain Atom about espionage. Robin looked uninterested and Wally looked bored out of his gourd, but still kept eating a banana, Artemis was more focused on a piece of gum than the lecture, Aqualad appeared to be writing down things from the lecture, but his face and posture said otherwise, M'Gann was just looking towards Ben, Superboy looked like he was about to fall to asleep, and Ben wasn't writing down a single word but looked to be listening intently to everything the Captain said. "When your mission relies on subterfuge, resist the urge to go on the offensive... ...Last thing you want is to risk exposing yourself and the team. Because a covert op means keeping to the shadows... concealing your identities, infiltrating your targets... and that means advance research. Study. And long hours on stakeout. And of course, you must always remain alert--" Captain Atom's lecture was interrupted by Superboy yawning. League member took a moment before asking the teens. "This is boring, isn't it?" "Oh, no, Captain, it's quite-" M'Gann tried to defend. "Yeah. It's boring." Superboy said bluntly. "I was learning." Captain Atom gave him a face that said he didn't believe Ben, so Ben responded with. "I memorized your lecture." "WAIT. WHAT?" Captain Atom asked astonished. "I have a perfect memory and can recall anything I've heard, seen, tasted, touched, or smelt. Basically, if I've come across it in passing, and I mean like a general passing glance, years later I could tell you everything down to the most specific detail of whatever it was." Ben explained. "You're broken. You know that?" Robin said.

"I was going to suggest we learn in the field." Captain Atom said. "What's the case?" Ben asked interested. Captain Atom smirked and pulled a classified file. "This is a cold case. Vietnam era." Captain Atom explained as a picture of a man popped up. According to the file his name was Nathaniel C. Adams, he was a captain in the U.S.A.F., and was currently deceased. What really stunned Ben was the similarities between the picture of captain Adams and Captain Atom, they looked like they were the same person. Then the realization hit. 'OH MY GOD! WE'RE INVESTIGATING THIS GUY!' Ben thought as Captain Atom went on. "Captain Nathaniel Adams, United States Air Force. Convicted in 1968 of murdering Air Force General Clement Lemar. Adams died in prison. But I've received a reliable tip he was framed. Your assignment: Investigate. Prove Adams' innocence or reconfirm his guilt and report back to me." 'My God. This guy is the dude. Do they know?' Ben thought as he looked at everyone else, based on their faces they were none the wiser. "Really? You need super-powered operatives for THIS?" Superboy asked. "Right then. I'll just continue the lecture." The Captain said. "NO!" Everyone but Ben shouted. "Alright team go get suited up I'll see if we need anything else from the Captain here." Ben told his team. And once he knew they were all out of ear shot he said. "Ok, so you're captain Adams, right?" "How could you tell?" Captain Atom asked in surprise. Ben just pointed at both him and the picture of captain Adams. "You look identical." Ben told him. Captain Atom just sighed and told ben not to tell anyone. "I won't." Ben said saluting and ran off. 

"So, Ben. Who's doing what?" Robin asked. "Alright, here's the plan. Robin, and M'Gann, you two are going to the Pentagon to interview General Wade Eiling. He's the judge at Adams' court martial. After that go to the coroner for the case. I want you to figure out everything you can." Ben said. "Got it." Robin said. "No problem." M'Gann said. "Artemis, Aqualad. You two are going to interview Adam's kids. I want you to see what you can get from them." Ben told them. "Understood." Kaldur said. "Why his kids?" Artemis asked. "Even though he didn't raise them they were told things of their father. And because of this they have their own opinions of things. Kids question things, especially when it comes to their parents and authority." Ben responded. Artemis nodded. "Now, Superboy, KF, you're with me. We're going to find Lieutenant Yarrow. He was Adams' closest friend. He's the one who arrested him, but he took his friend's side. I wanna know why." Ben said. "Sounds good to me." Superboy said. "I'm down for looking for this guy." KF told Ben. "Good. You all have your assignments. Let's split up. That should be faster." Ben told them. "Wait. How are we gonna get there?" Artemis asked. "Each member has their own method of transport." Ben explained as Aqualad's and Artemis' Motorcycles remotely drove themselves to the area where they were. Aqualad's being a primarily black bike with glowing blue accents, and Artemis' being mainly dark green with black accents. Both bikes resembled custom sport bikes. "Woah! Cool!" Artemis exclaimed. "This gig comes with all kinds of benefits." Ben said. "Should we get our bikes?" KF asked. "No need." Ben said as a car that most closely resembles a cross between a Third Generation Plymouth Barracuda and a First-Generation Dodge Challenger, with elements of the second-generation Pontiac GTO and first-generation Chevrolet Camaro rolled up. It was green with black stripes running up and down the body of the car.

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