Chapter 15

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It started out like any other day. Ben, Artemis, and M'Gann were hanging out as Ben told stories of his exploits in his own universe. They seemed to find his interaction with the Fountain of Youth particularly entertaining, much to Ben's chagrin. However, something alerted the entire Team, causing them to quickly change and meet in the Mission Room, prepped and ready for any mission that came their way. What they weren't prepared for was Red Tornado watching a holo-screen. It seemed to show a craft breaking through the outer atmosphere with the two Green Lanterns flying right up front. Upon entering the outer atmosphere, a strange and ominous ship was headed towards Earth. It was biomechanical in design and shaped like a heart or a flame. Both of the Green Lanterns flew closer to the unknown ship than the craft. Once close enough to be heard one of the Lanterns, this one being the one Ben recently came to know as John Stewart, spoke to the unidentified craft. "Attention. You have entered the boundaries of Earth space. Disengage all weapons and engines. This is your final warning." Not a second later did the strange alien craft begin to charge a weapon aimed directly at them. They barely had enough time to put up shields, which didn't do anything but prolong their inevitable demise. Upon the Lanterns swift deaths, the Team heard Batman call out. "Code Red. Full offensive deploy." Suddenly Captain Atom, SHAZAM, Martian Manhunter, and Superman flew forward to face the threat. Batman pulled back to offer support from a distance, but this also proved to be a fruitless venture. As the alien craft fired off two more lasers splitting the group in half. As Martain Manhunter and Superman went right, and Captain Atom and SHAZAM went left, both groups were caught by a separate laser. And soon Batman was forced to eject in a pod in an attempt to save himself. The Team witnessed the large alien craft move oh so slowly but ever closer to Earth. But not even Batman would be spared from death apparently as a smaller craft jettisoned from the mothership flew up to him and shot a laser at his pod destroying the pod, cutting the feed, and killing Batman.

For some reason or another Ben along with the rest of the Team weren't in distress. They just witnessed seven Leaguers die, but Ben felt nothing. But, he also didn't feel like he should care. He confused for a moment then was brought out of his thoughts as Zatara popped up on another holo-screen. "Tornado, did you-" He asked, saddened at the loss of his friends and allies. "Yes., Zatara, we saw. Celestial defenses have failed. Initiate all terrestrial measures." Red Tornado told him, taking command of the situation. "Affirmative. See you in the field." Zatara said and logged off. "I must join the League. We will protect the planet at all costs. But should we fail, the responsibility falls to you." Tornado told the Team. Ultimately it felt like they wouldn't be seeing him again, yet again, Ben at least didn't seem to care. "We'll be ready." Ben said. And with that Red Tornado walked off towards the Zeta tubes. [Recognized: Red Tornado, 1-5.] And in a flash of yellow he disappeared. "Ok, guys I want 24-hour global news coverage. Give me everything. Robin you're on comms between the Leaguers. I want to know what they know now. I'll be doing readings on these things to see how we can help. Now, let's go, go, go, go, GO!" Ben said as everyone immediately ran to a different station.

Hours went by and chaos reigned throughout the world. With Leaguers taking out small ships here and there but getting picked off one by one whenever they least expected it. Thousands of innocents were caught up in the destruction, countless lives lost, untold damages, if they did win it would be extremely difficult to bounce back from all of this. Red Tornado eventually called into the Cave with a last message to the Team. "Red Tornado to Cave. I fear I am all that remains of the League." But soon it cut out. "R.T.!" Robin shouted, waiting for Tornado's response, but all he heard was static. "He's gone. They all are." Robin said. There was a moment in honor of the fallen Heroes before Ben said. "We are Earth's heroes now. And failure isn't an option." "So what are we waiting for, a theme song?" Connor asked. "A strategy." Aqualad answered. "And one that'll work. Earth's weapons are hopelessly ineffective. And it was made disastrously clear that the direct approach does not work. We need a new angle. Robin?" Ben added. Robin then pulled up a holographic globe with red dots representing alien landing sites. "Checking satellite imagery. Here's where the aliens are now." He told them as they all saw a concerning amount of red. "This one get lost?" Connor asked as he pointed out the only red dot on its own. They all looked, and Robin noticed where it was located. "That's Superman's Fortress of Solitude!" This stunned everyone, but most of all Connor. "Superman has a Fortress of Solitude?" He asked Robin in a state of stunned surprise. "Its power source must have attracted the aliens' attention, at least enough to send a scout ship to investigate." Robin explained. "Must be some fortress." Connor scoffed as he walked toward the Bioship. "Shouldn't we-" M'Gann almost asked Ben who interrupted saying. "No. He already knows there's no point worrying about it. Besides as of right now he's probably thinking there's more to Superman than he'll ever know. Especially now that he's gone. Let's win this and then be there for him, ok?" She smiled and nodded. "Alright. Everyone! Get your snow gear! That means you too Connor and I know you can hear me!" Ben yelled as everyone ran to get changed into their snow gear, which was just white and light grey versions of their normal costumes with added features like heating elements, tactical coats, fur lining, etc. 

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