Chapter 18

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It had been eleven days since the massive snowfall that rocked the entire United States, and things were pretty boring. School was dull, as always, but they all managed to keep up with their responsibilities. Ben even took Artemis and M'Gann on dates, he took Artemis to dinner and a movie, and took M'Gann to a boardwalk funfair. Artemis seemed to enjoy the movie and the food, while M'gann had fun dragging Ben around by the arm and playing all the games there and riding as many rides as they could before they had to leave. It was the 22nd of November today and Ben was getting ready to do some training, when he saw Black Canary stomping his way angerly. "Uh..." Ben said stepping aside hoping he wasn't the target for her anger. "Where's Megan?" She asked upset. "In her room. Why?" Ben asked. "Yesterday you trained with "me" and after defeating "me" got a kiss. Ring any bells?" She said even more upset. "Oh, that thing with M'Gann. Yeah, she thought maybe it would help her get in the right mindset of CQC if she looked like you. She kinda forgot and got lost in the moment, but I knew it was her the entire time. In fact, if you look at the footage-" Ben said but got cut off by Canary saying. "I saw the footage." "Did you though? Because if you saw all of it, then you'd know she started the training as M'Gann, not you." Ben said. "What?" She asked. "Exactly. Well, go ahead and talk to her. I assume you're still upset, because she used your look. Fun Fact there are six people on Earth that look exactly like you, and that's without needing to shapeshift." Ben said and walked away.

After about fifteen minutes into Ben's workout, he heard Batman's voice over the PA system. [Robin, Kid Flash, Superboy, and Miss Martian. Report for mission briefing.] "Why wasn't I called?" Ben asked as he stopped his workout. "Might as well go check out what's going, and if I'll be needed later." Ben said getting up and headed off for a quick shower. When he arrived, KF had just shown up. Ben then noticed that on the Holo-screen was an image of Qurac and its President, Rumaan Harjavti. "Now that Kid Flash is here... Rumaan Harjavti is the democratically elected President of Qurac. Harjavti has been praised as fair, wise leader. A humanitarian." Batman added as a video of Harjavti and Bruce Wayne popped up shaking hands. Ben heard KF whispering but, couldn't hear what was said. "But five days ago... Harjavti aligned himself with the dictator of the neighboring nation of Bialya. Queen Bee." Batman continued, and an image of Bialya and its dictator appeared on the holo-screen. "Not a fan." Superboy commented. "Few are. But Harjavti suddenly backs Queen Bee's baseless claim that Qurac and Bialya were on nation in ancient times. And has announced the countries will reunify in two days at a ceremony in Qurac." Batman told the Team. Then a video began to play. ["After the ceremony, I will step down as President so that our rightful monarch, Queen Bee, may rule." Harjavti declared. "I laud president Harjavti for unifying our peoples and I will gladly come to Qurac to be crowned sole leader of our nation." Queen Bee announced. "And the Quracies are OK with this?" KF asked, clearly upset. "Likely not. I've seen my fair share of subtle takeovers in my time as a Plumber, usually when the Leader of a group of people just rolls over the people tend fight back big time." Ben said. "He right. The Quracies are hardly OK with this at all. They're well aware of the brutality of Queen Bee's regime but Harjavti has censored the press, silenced all legitimate protesting, and invited the Bialyan Military into his country to enforce Martial Law." Batman confirmed. "Woah, woah, woah. He's allowed her country's military to enforce Martial Law? Now I KNOW she's either got dirt on him or is controlling him somehow." Ben said. "She has to be. Doesn't she have the power to enthrall most men?" Robin asked. "And some women. But not long distanced. And we have confirmation she hasn't left Bialya. Something else is at work here. Find out what. Robin you're Team Leader this mission." Batman said. "Promotion! Sweet!" KF said and raised his hand to high five Robin. "What about Ben?" Robin asked. "I have something else for him." Batman told the Team. "Ok... Well what about Aqualad?" Robin asked. "Busy helping Aquaman. You're the next logical choice." Batman quickly responded. "Great..." Robin said seemingly upset. "Dude. You totally left me hanging." KF complained, pointing to his hand. 

The Omnitrix wielder of Young JusticeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang