Chapter 8

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Five days after the funeral and Ben had still not heard back what was happening with Artemis. He was becoming concerned. Batman had informed the Team that she would be out for a while seeing as Green Arrow needed help with an assignment. They were now down two teammates and Ben didn't know when they were getting back. Suddenly one of the screens in the Cave activated, showing Batman and Robin covered in some kind of dirt or mud. "Attention, Team." Batman said getting their attention, before continuing. "Take a Zeta-tube to Gotham city immediately... and rendezvous with Robin at these Coordinates." Ben heard a beep and looked at the Omnitrix to see the coordinates had been sent. "What is the mission?" Aqualad asked. "Shouldn't we wait for Artemis?" KF asked. "Don't wait. There's a creature loose in my city." Batman told them. "If it's your city, why are we hunting it?" Superboy asked. "You are not to hunt it or engage it. Track it... until I return with the solution." Batman responded. The screen the turned off and Ben turned to his Team and said. "You heard the Bat. We're tracking something. We don't know what because we haven't been informed, this is either because they don't know themselves or will tell us upon meet up with Robin. So everyone stealth mode." Ben then turned into a large, orange, canine-like creature with no eyes.

" Ben then turned into a large, orange, canine-like creature with no eyes

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He simply roared like an even more bestial lion. "WHAT THE HELL!?" KF shouted. Wildmutt then walked over to the Zeta tube and growled and roared at his Teammates. "What's he saying?" KF asked. "I don't know." M'Gann said. "I think he wants us to follow." Superboy said walking up to him. Wildmutt just nodded agreeing with what Superboy said. They were astonished, Superboy seemed to be able to tell what he was saying even though he was speaking any comprehensible language. M'Gann tried to read his mind only to find out that his thoughts were the exact same. "Guys I don't think he can talk." She said. Once again Wildmutt nodded indicating that she was right in assuming he couldn't talk. They took the bioship to Gotham city and met up with Robin, who reacted similarly to Wildmutt. When Robin asked why Ben chose that form, seeing as he had no eyes, Wildmutt started to sniff around. "Wait, can he track things with his sense of smell?" KF asked. Wildmutt nodded yes to answer his question and went back to tracking the creature. "Wait. If you can track him based on smell, then come on. I'll show you where it all started." Robin said. He led them all to a Wayne Foundation building and where they saw where the creature came from. "Dude! Wayne Tech made it?" KF asked. "NO! It was sent to Wayne Tech by an anonymous sender." Robin told him. Wildmutt sniffed around the crime scene out into the streets getting a strange look from passersby, drivers and police. "What kinda dog is that?" An older man with glasses and brown hair, in a suit and tan trench coat asked. "Hey, comish Gordon. He's a, uh... a purebred." Robin said. Wildmutt stopped and looked at Robin with a face that said, 'seriously?' despite him having no eyes. He then shook his head and went back to sniffing around until he reached a manhole cover. He growled and began to make a howling-like barking noise. "I coulda told you he went into the sewer." Robin said. Wildmutt then began to scratch at the manhole cover. "Let me get that." Superboy said and was about to walk over when Wildmutt gripped the manhole cover and pulled it off with ease, he then threw it into the Wayne Foundation building and leapt into the sewers. "Well, he's clearly not very well trained." Commissioner Gordon said. 

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