Chapter 7

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Superboy and Kaldur were both sparring as the others watched. "Kaldur's, uh, nice, don'tcha think. Handsome. Charming. You should totally ask him out. Or what about Superboy?" Artemis asked. "Superboy and I are just good friends. And Kaldur is like a big brother to me. But you know who would make the cutest couple? You and Wally. You're so full of passion and he's so full of... of-" M'Gann said. "It?" Artemis finished for her making the two girls laugh. Meanwhile Ben seemed very focused on the fight particularly on Aqualad. He had seen Aqualad not being there 100% for their missions as of late. He'd been distracted, distant, and overall, not in his best shape. He was doing things he wouldn't normally do. Leave a flank open, drop his guard, hesitate in battle. And Ben didn't know why. After the sparring came to an end Red Tornado came through the ceiling, where Ben assumed his room was, and began to walk away without a word. Wally ran up to him and asked. "Do you have a mission for us?" "Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility." He stated. "Yeah. Well, the Batman's with the Robin doing the dynamic duo thing in Gotham, but you're headed somewhere, right? Hot date or a--a missiõn?" Wally asked ending in a bad French accent. "If we can help, we will." Ben said. The android said nothing and simply turned around and began typing on a holographic keyboard. After a picture of an old gentleman that wielded a black shafted cane with a golden handle in an expensive looking three-piece suit, Red Tornado spoke. "This is Kent Nelson, a friend. He is 106 years old..." "Guy doesn't look a day over 90." Wally whispered to the group. Red Tornado continued. "And he has been missing for 23 days. Kent was a charter member of the Justice Society, the precursor to your mentors' Justice League." As he said this the image changed to show a man in blue cloth suit pieces of golden armor on his chest golden gauntlets, boots, and belt. A flowing golden cape and a golden helmet that covered the entire head leaving two eye wholes for the eyes. "Of course. Nelson was Earth's sorcerer supreme. He was Doctor Fate." Aqualad said, recognizing the man in his hero attire. "Pfft, more like Doctor fake. Guy knows a little advanced science and "Dumbledore's" it up to scare the bad guys and impress the babes." Wally whispered to Artemis.  "So he's like this universe's Bezel, the greatest magician of time." Ben said not hearing Wally. "Kent may simply be on one of his... walkabouts, but he is caretaker to the Helmet of Fate, the source of the Doctor's mystic might, and it is unwise to leave such power unguarded." Red Tornado said. "He is like the great sorcerer priests and priestesses of Mars. I would be honored to help find him." M'Gann said. Wally hand shot up faster than he can run as he said. "Me, too. SO honored I can barely stand it. Magic rocks." He sounded very insincere when he said it too, which threw Ben off, until he remembered that Wally was probably just trying to impress M'Gann. "Take this." Red Tornado said to Ben as he held a strange looking golden key. "It is the key to the Tower of Fate." Red Tornado explained. Ben heard Wally say something but paid no mind to it. 

After everyone was ready, they went off to Salem Massachusetts. The whole ride over had been quiet, but it was only a few minutes by Bioship. But, then Artemis asked Wally. "So, Wally, finally realize your honest affinity for sorcery?" The way she said honest and how she worded the question made it clear she was calling him out on his bull shit, and just wanted him to say it. "Well, I--I don't like to brag but uh, before I became Kid Flash, I seriously considered becoming a wizard myself." Wally said casually. Superboy noticed Ben was looking around the area cautiously and asked. "Ben, are you ok?" "Yeah, it's just last time I was in Salem I almost got body swapped by a witch." Ben responded which made everyone look at him. "What?" He asked. "You fought a witch in Salem? Kinda stereotypical don'tcha think?" Artemis told him. "Hey, I didn't choose who I fought and when or where. I just fought 'em when and where they popped up." Ben responded. M'gann then spoke. "We've reached Tornado's coordinates, but--" "Nothing's there." Superboy finished her statement. "Now what?" Aqualad asked. "Take us down." Ben told M'Gann.

They landed in an open area with no buildings or trees to speak of. As they exited Wally ran around the area doing a sweep of the field, checking for any sign of the Tower. When he came back, he reported. "Nothing. This isn't simple camouflage." "So what do you think, adaptive micro-opto-electronics combined with phase shifting?" Artemis asked, clearly trying to trip him up. "Absolutely... NOT. Clearly mystic powers are at work here." Wally said barely saving himself the second M'Gann showed up. Ben simply looked at the key and looked up. "Doctor Fate, Helmet of Fate, Tower of Fate, safe to say we use a leap of faith." Ben said and walked forward with the key out in front of him until half of it vanished and what sounded like a key being placed into a lock stopped his movement. As he turned the key loud old-fashioned tumblers could be heard clicking into place and suddenly a giant medieval tower appeared. Ben opened the large wooden door, and everyone followed him in. Once it shut behind them, they found themselves in a room larger than possible given the dimensions of the tower, it also had no door. "Uh, where'd the door go?" Superboy asked. Suddenly a glowing 3D, height accurate image of Kent Nelson appeared in front of them. "Greeting. You have entered with a key, but the tower does not recognize you. Please state your purpose and intent." The image spoke with authority. Before Ben could respond Wally stepped forward and said. "We are true believers, here to find Doctor Fate." The image looked disappointed and disappeared. Ben was about to chew Wally out but then the ground gave way from underneath, dropping them all over a lava pit. Acting quickly, Artemis fired a grappling bolt from her crossbow into the wall and grabbed Kaldur, M'Gann grabbed Wally and began to fly, Superboy gripped the wall to slow his dissent, and Ben, in the panic turned into a large several hundred-pound, white, black, and yellow, roly-poly, with armor plating.

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