Chapter 3

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Ben, M'Gann, Superboy, Wally, Robin, and Kaldur were all hanging out trying to figure out what Ben's name is gonna be since he's not known in this new universe. "So... what did you go by in your universe?" Robin asked. "I was called Ben 10. But eventually in the future I change it to Ben 10,000." Ben told him. "How do you know?" Superboy asked. "Wait, a minute. Have you time traveled?" Wally asked in excitement. "Yeah, I've gone to future, the past, had past me come to the present time I was in, had future me come to the past to help me out. Hell, I've even swapped bodies with a me from the past." Ben told them. "Sounds... like a nightmare." M'Gann said. "More like a hassle, but I can see where some would come to that conclusion." Ben said. "Either way using your actual name would prove to be quite the problem." Kaldur said. "Yeah. Say, speaking of which why did you call yourself that? What, run out of clever ideas?" Wally asked teasing Ben. "No. I was just outed by a ten-year-old and the public decided on my hero name. Besides I became a public hero in my late twenties apparently anyways." Ben told them. "Your life is crazy." Superboy commented. "You have no idea." Ben stated. "Anyways you keep mentioning the Omnitrix and the Omnitrix Core. So, what about something like Omni-man, or Omni-Shifter, or just Omni?" Wally suggests. "...No." Ben tells bluntly after a few seconds of staring at him.

"You transform into aliens, right?" Robin asked more like a statement. "Have I not been saying that from the beginning?" Ben asked rhetorically, Robin ignored it and moved on. "Well from what I've gathered from studying your forms to know how each one would best help us on our missions, you are pretty much a one-man army and could, if you wanted to, take on the entire planet by yourself and win. You could also most likely effortlessly take out the whole League on your own especially if you knew their weaknesses. You're basically several forces of nature wrapped up in one apocalyptic blanket to create a walking one-man army fueled by nightmares." "Ok, Rob. Where are you going with this?" Wally asked. "Thank God I'm not the only one that's confused." Ben said to no one. "I'm saying I came up with the perfect name for him." Robin told them. "And you had to say all that because?" Superboy asked. "To explain my reasoning." Robing said smugly. "Whatever. So long as it's better than Omni-boy or something like that." Ben said. "It is. So, what do you think of... Alien Force?" Robin asked. Ben was silent for a few moments causing everyone to worry. "Uh... Ben?" Robin asked concerned. Ben was smiling but he also appeared to be sad. "D-did I say something wrong?" Robin asked in a panic this caused Ben to chuckle and say. "No, you didn't say anything wrong. That name was just what my old Plumber team was called in my universe. I was the leader and on it was my cousin and my best friend, her boyfriend. Those were good times." Ben said. "I'm so sorry, Ben." Robin apologized. "For what, you didn't know. And it is a good name. In fact, ...I'll use it. Yep, Alien Force is my codename I guess." Ben said with pride.

Just then everyone heard the computers voice echo throughout the cave's halls saying. [Recognized: Batman, 0-2.] Then after a few seconds Batman's voice came over the intercom. "Team, meet me in the Mission Briefing Room." "I guess our first mission is here. Let's go." Ben said. "Wait. Ben, do you even have a suit other than jeans, a white and black T-shirt, and a green leather jacket?" Wally asked. "HEY! I make this look good. But, don't worry I got something to take care of that." Ben told them all as they all made their way to the Mission Room only to be greeted by Red Tornado and Batman, who upon seeing them immediately began the mission briefing. "Hello, Team. This... is your first mission." He said as several holographic screens popped up behind him and he turned to face them and told the team. "Isla Santa Prisca. This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous and illegal neosteroid--A strength enhancing drug sold under the street name 'Venom.' Infrared heat signatures indicate their factory is still operating at full capacity, but all shipments of Venom have been inexplicably cut off. That's where this team comes in. This is a covert recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will. The plan requires two drop zones." Robin then asked, a little too quickly and with a bit too much curiosity. "So who's in charge?" Batman and Red Tornado simply looked at one another and Batman said. "Work that out between you." They then went over the drop zones and who would be needed for each one. Everyone else was easy to put in a drop zone, but due to Ben's adaptability and his variability he could be useful for either drop zone. He eventually offered to help Kaldur out in drop zone A since he was the only person running drop zone A. They agreed and got ready for the mission.

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