Chapter 20

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Ten days after the fiasco in Legerdomain and Zatanna had written everything done she'd learned from Hope and Ben. M'Gann and Artemis also had Ben take them on dates, M'Gann to make up for the flying incident, and Artemis because she just wanted to go one.  Ben was doing his normal work out when Green Arrow showed up. "Hey, Ben." "Hey, Green Arrow. What's up? Been a while since you came to the Cave." Ben said. "I came because I realized no one ever told you." Green Arrow said ominously. Ben stopped his work out and looked at the older man nervously and asked. "No one told me what?" "You made the cut for the League." Green Arrow told him. Ben paused and thought for a moment. Why him? Was this just a chance to keep an eye on him more personally? Or had he actually earned it? Either way... "Thanks, but no thanks." Ben responded.

"Huh? Are you sure, kid? You're almost eighteen, the legal age for membership? Why pass up on this chance?" Green Arrow asked. "I just don't think it's a good idea right now." Ben answered. Green Arrow was confused, he didn't understand Ben's refusal to begin with, but what did he mean by it not being a good idea. "What exactly do you mean by that?" Green Arrow asked. "Well, does anybody outside of the Justice League, the Team, Cadmus, and the villains we've faced know I exist?" Ben countered. This made Green Arrow stop and think, quickly coming to the realization that Ben still doesn't really exist. Ben then continued. "I mean I don't even exist outside of a few files for school. Batman gave me the licenses I had from my universe, but instead of being from Bellwood, which doesn't exist here, I'm from Gotham. Beyond that, I'm just a ghost. And aside from that, the public doesn't know I, as a hero, exist. Wouldn't it be a little suspicious for a hero the public has never heard of or seen before to join the Justice League? I mean wouldn't people start to ask questions?" "Well... I guess there might be some suspicion. But, Batman's almost done setting up everything for you. Soon enough you'll have medical records, a birth certificate, all that stuff. And if joining the League without people knowing you exist is something you have a problem with, then we could always take you on a few missions with us. That way the public learns about you, and then that way there won't be any suspicions raised against you." Green Arrow said. "True, If I'm gonna join the League I want to go public first, tell the world who I am and about what I can do before I join the League. I've done the whole secret identity thing before, and it's too much of a hassle to keep." Ben said. "...Okay, fair enough. By the way, Roy is joining the League." "Good for him, he's been chomping at the bit for a while now to get into the exclusive club." Ben responded. "Yeah, but I'm having him join the Team first." The archer said. Ben did a double take, and just looked at the Emerald Archer incredulously. "Okay. Um, when was I gonna be told Roy's joining. I don't mind, more the merrier after all. But, a little forewarning would be nice." Ben said slightly peeved. "Fair enough." Green Arrow admitted, whilst rubbing his neck.

Ben and Green Arrow walked into the Mission Room and saw Red Tornado, almost the entire Team except for Artemis and Robin, and Red Arrow. "Hey, Ben! Look who joined the Team!" Wally exclaimed. "I know, Wally. Green Arrow told me he was joining the Team. He also told me you'll be joining the League soon, congrats." Ben said to Roy. "You're joining the Justice League? THAT'S GREAT!" Wally practically shouted. "That is wonderful news friend." Kaldur said. "Thanks, guys. But, that's not for a while now, and besides Green Arrow made a good point, I need to set a good example for everyone else. I hope he didn't have to twist your arm to allow me to join." Roy said looking at Ben. "Nah, don't worry about that. Worry about the fact that I just learned you were joining the Team. I got no problem with you joining up, just would've preferred a little bit of a heads up beforehand." Ben said side eyeing Green Arrow. "I said I was sorry. Man, you're really not gonna let me live that down, are you?" Green Arrow asked. "Eh, depends." Ben said. Just then one of the Zeta tubes lit up, and the Caves computerized voice spoke up. [Recognized: Artemis B-0-9.] Artemis walked out of the Zeta tube. "Artemis! Just in time. Look who's agreed to join the Team." Green Arrow said. "Finally!" Wally said happy his friend was had finally accepted their offer. "Sure. Team's needed a REAL archer." She said clearly upset about something. Ben could tell she wasn't exactly upset Roy was now a part of the Team, but it most likely didn't help considering he noticed she seemed ticked off at something when she got here. 

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