Chapter 10

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Ben was working on his car while Superboy was working on his bike. Ship and Sphere, as Superboy called the large sphere, were bothering their respective owners for attention. "Alright, alright." Superboy said as he pet Sphere. "You can be a handful. You know that right?" Ben asked Ship. "Ship." Ship exclaimed. "Ready for school?" M'Gann asked as she floated their way. "I made our lunches." She said excitedly as she held out three paper bags. J'onn J'onzz, Red Tornado, and Kaldur followed her into the garage. "The first day of a scholastic season carries great cultural resonance. We want to wish you three well." J'onn said. "Guess it's not a Kryptonian thing." Superboy said. "You may wish to change before you depart." Kaldur said looking at Superboy and M'Gann. "Ah. I spent hours choosing this outfit. What do you think? Can M'Gann M'orzz pass as an Earth girl now?" She asked after she changed her Martian clothing to look like the outfit she wore when they fought Mr. Twister, and she also had green skin. "Well..." Kaldur began trying to figure out a way to tell her Earthlings aren't green. "Just kidding. Meet Megan Morse." She said as she did a twirl and changed her skin making it more Caucasian. "What's your new name?" She asked Superboy. "My what?" Superboy asked confused. "Dude, you need a human name." Ben told him. "I chose the name John Jones for myself and suggested John Smith for Red Tornado. You could be a John, too." Martain Manhunter said as he turned into an African American man in a suit. "Pass." Superboy said not thinking the name fit him. "What about Kevin?" M'Gann asked. "NO!" Ben shouted spooking everyone. "How about something like... Connor or something?" Ben suggested. "Ooh! That name sounds good. What do you think Superboy?" M'Gann said really excited. He simply shrugged. "A last name will also be required." Kaldur said. "Perhaps... Kent." J'onn said mischievously, but only Ben picked up on it. "Oh, in memory of Dr. Fate, the late Kent Nelson." M'Gann said. "... Of course." J'onn said hesitantly. Ben once again picked up that there was something more to that name than meets the eye. "OK. Sure. I guess it'd be an honor or something." The newly dubbed Connor Kent said. "Well, Connor Kent, time to change your shirt." M'Gann said. He touched his shirt and she said. "You don't wanna reveal your identity." She said. "It's a shirt. He looks like he's wearing merchandise." Ben argued. But Connor just shrugged and took his shirt off and flipped it inside out and put it back on. "Will this work?" He said sighing. Ben facepalmed and said. "Whatever just get in the car you two. First one in has to sit in the back." And with Connor in the back, M'gann in the passenger seat Ben had a feeling today would be a long day. "Shouldn't I be Connor Nelson?" Connor asked. "We already agreed you're Connor KENT. Now deal with it, besides it sounds better." Ben told him as he drove off to the school.

Once they arrived at school Ben dropped M'Gann and Connor off and went to go park. After finding a place to park Ben came back to see Connor holding a teenager up by the back of his shirt and another teenager walking up to him with the swagger of a guy who's ready to start a fight. "CONNOR!" Ben shouted getting everyone's attention. "Put the guy down." He told him. Connor listened and the guy said. "I don't think he likes my shirt." Connor looked around and gritted his teeth at all the teens wearing the symbols of famous heroes, Ben noticed and said. "Everyone's shirt is fine. Sorry about that we're new to the area and that guy can be a bit... much sometimes. That's Megan Morse, Connor Kent's the guy who grabbed your buddy clean off the ground, and my name's Ben Tennyson. Good to meet ya." Ben then held out his hand to the larger teen in a light blue Superman shirt. "...Mal Duncan. You seem cool. What year you in?" He asked. "Senior year. I turn 18 in December. I just make the cut." Ben said. "Damn, I was hoping you'd be able to stick around." Mal said. "Don't worry. Whenever I'm not around, Megan should be able to corral Connor. He's a bit stubborn." Ben said. "Hey." Connor said offended. "Dude, are you gonna deny that your common strategy for getting through any challenge isn't to just brute force it 'til it bends, breaks, or moves out of your way?" Ben asked. Connor didn't respond he just looked away. "Exactly." Ben said. Suddenly a snap was heard getting everyone's attention. They looked to an adult who was clearly a staff member, who then said. "OK, time to get to homeroom, gang." "See, you." Mal said. "See, you. Oh, and don't be too hard on Connor. He's had it pretty rough his whole life. He's on his own now, no mom and his own dad doesn't wanna look at him. He's lucky enough to have me and Megan. We look out for each other." Ben told him. Mal just nodded. As everyone but Ben, Megan, Connor and a few others left. Ben walked up to Connor and Megan. "Connor, what were you thinking? You can't do that shit man. *Sigh* Look, man I love you like a brother, but if it was gonna be this stressful, I think I woulda let someone else take the reins once in a while." Ben told him. "Sorry." Connor said rubbing the back of his neck. Ben grabbed the Kryptonian and gave rubbed his fist against his head. Just then two teens, a girl in a black, white, and yellow cheerleading outfit and the guy Connor held in the air, walked up to them. "Hi, I'm Wendy. I was new last year, so I know how hard it is to fit in. But you look like instant bumble bee material to me." She said. "Um, are you calling her a small black and yellow insect? Because last time I checked she was a human girl. BUT I could be wrong. I have been before." Ben said. Wendy giggled at that and said. "No. Cheerleaders. The Bumble Bees. Tryouts are after school." Megan looked excited and turned to look at Ben. "What are you looking at me for? If it's for permission, you can forget it. You don't need my permission to do this shit. Live your life for Pete's sake. Just don't kill yourself, that's dangerous." Ben said. This earned him a laugh from both girls and an eyeroll from Connor. "Thanks. I'll be there." Megan told Wendy. They then walked off together. "Were you full on set to face down Mal Duncan?" The other teen asked Connor. "I can tell you in full confidence he was." Ben said. "So what if I was?" Connor asked with folded arms. "Dude, that's fierce! Not too bright, but fierce." The teen said.

Later on, in class Ben was learning about North and South Rhelasia, and the current peace summit being led by Superman's number one enemy. His teacher was asking people on their take on the matter and had eventually come to Ben. Ben, thanks to time as a Plumber and the Bridge between species, was fully prepared on this given how he had learned enough of the world to begin forming his own opinions now. "My opinion? Well, in all honesty I don't see the point in why they're fighting. If we knew that I could come to a more grounded opinion, but until or if we ever do. The idea behind the whole squabble seems petty. All I know, all anyone knows, is that after World War Two Rhelasia divided itself into North and South Rhelasia, where the governments went down two different paths. North Rhelasia went to a more Dictatorial, Socialist, One-Party State. Whereas South Rhelasia became a Unitary State, Constitutional Republic with a Democratic Presidential System. One focuses on war and their military might, the other focuses on advancements in tech and medicine. They've become two completely different entities now and have been fighting since 1948. It would be great to see the end of meaningless bloodshed but right now Luthor's basically trying to get a Surgeon and a Marine to work together." Ben said. This stunned his classmates and teacher. "Good points. All good points." His teacher said. Ben breezed through his classes and once the day was done, he went straight to football field. 

He saw Megan was already on the field and Connor was in the stands. "So, I miss anything?" He asked. "Nope not yet. They're starting now." He told him. "Good. Didn't wanna miss this." Ben said as he watched Megan to her cheer. Ben smiled at how much she looked like she was enjoying herself. Three girls then began to speak to each other as Megan waited desperately to know the answer. As Wendy walked up to her the other two walked off and around Megan. "What are they up too?" He asked. They suddenly walked up behind her with a tub of water and dumped it on her. Ben understood it was an initiation ritual. He went through one when he became the goalie for his school's soccer team. Although they used Green Kool-Aid. But, Connor thought they were being cruel. "CONNOR NO! IT'S AN INITIATION RITUAL!" Ben shouted as he tried to stop him but they both ended up tripping and falling down a couple of the stands. Ben fell into the stadium and onto his back and then Connor fell on top of him. "Sorry. It's a stupid initiation ritual that I wish my teammates would abandon." Wendy told her. "I told you it was an initiation ritual, Doofus." Ben said. "Wait. Initiation ritual? Hello, Megan. That means I made the team. Um, I did, right?" Megan asked. "You're a Bumble Bee, girl." Karen Beecher said. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Megan exclaimed excitedly. "So, are either one of them your boyfriend? 'Cause they're hot, but they're also kind of freaks." Karen said. "I fully embrace being called a freak. For, I have been called worse." Ben said confidently. "Like what?" Wendy asked. "You don't want to know." Ben said with a lot less confidence in his voice. This concerned the whole group. After that whole ordeal Ben grabbed Megan's books which made her say. "You're carrying me books?" "Don't want these things to get wet. These will run you about 500 dollars to replace. And the school WILL demand to have them replaced. Trust me when I say it's something you don't need. Now, hurry before I carry you to the locker rooms." Ben told her. This made her smile, and she then ran to catch up.

Ben drove them back and they immediately went to go work on their homework, but Ben went somewhere else. "Hey, where are you going?" Connor asked. "Yeah, what about your homework?" Megan asked. "I did it and turned it in today." Ben said. This stunned the two who looked at Ben confused. "What? I don't wanna be thinking Did I turn that in? Or did I do my homework? While on a mission. So, hop to it." Ben told them. "Wanna help us?" Connor asked. "I'm in a different grade from you guys. I don't have the same homework. Besides, that... would be cheating." He said with a smug look and walked off. "Sometimes I hate him." Connor said and walked to his room.

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