Chapter 19

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Seven days after Ben got back from Anuras, and had to explain what the strange mark on his face was to M'Gann and Artemis, the pair had finally stopped giving Ben such a hard time. Albeit half the time they kept teasing him about being kissed by a frog and turning into a prince. But, today was Thanksgiving and Zatanna and M'Gann were in the kitchen making enough food to feed Wally. Ironically, Wally was there taking bits and pieces of the Thanksgiving feast in the making. "Gobble, gobble!" Wally shouted and began to snack on cranberries. "Aw, I love Thanksgiving!" He declared with a mouthful of food. When he went for more, a wooden spoon levitated and smacked his hand, stopping from eating any more. "Ow!" Wally exclaimed in pain as he held his reddened hand. "Those are for dinner, Wally." M'Gann told him, again. Ben had heard her tell him that about five times so far, each time for a different piece of food. At least he learned his lesson each time. "Yelsrap egas yramesor dna emyht." Zatanna chanted and a bunch of seasonings spread themselves across the turkey she was preparing. "There seasoned to perfection and ready for the oven." Zatanna said proudly and M'Gann telepathically levitated the roasting pan and set it in the oven. "Wait Wally, shouldn't you be spending Thanksgiving with your family?" Ben asked from the connected lounge. "Oh, yeah, Dad'll kill me if I'm late!" Wally said grabbed a handful of cranberries, shoving them in his mouth. "See ya!" He shouted as he sped down the hall. "Wally!" M'Gann called after him upset for taking more food. Sniffling could be heard coming from the kitchen, the Zatanna spoke up. "It's nothing. The onions... these are all things I used to cook for... It's my first Thanksgiving without my Dad." M'Gann then held her attempting to comfort her. "At least she had a Dad." Connor whispered under his breath, with Ben just able to hear him. "What about you Ben?" M'Gann asked. "What about me?" Ben replied. "Isn't this also going to be your first Thanksgiving without your family? I mean you are in a completely different universe." She said causing Ben to realize she was right. "Uh... y-yeah it is. Huh, I guess it didn't really click until now that I'd be spending Holidays without them...." Ben trailed off in thought. "Ben? Are you ok?" M'Gann asked. "Huh? Oh, yeah, fine. Just lost in thought, I guess. You sure you don't need any help in there you two?" Ben said just trying to change the subject, he was happy enough there were others from his universe he didn't want to think about not being able to spend time with his family. "We're sure. Thanks though." Zatanna said. They turned and got back to cooking, and Ben turned back to the static on the TV in the lounge area.

After a few seconds he turned to ask Connor if he wanted to actually put something on like the Macy's day parade or The Charlie Brown special or something, ANYTHING but static, but when he turned to Connor, he noticed Connor was looking around confused, wincing in pain every few seconds. Eventually he and Wolf got up and began to walk out of the room. "Uh, Connor?" Ben asked both concerned and confused. "They don't want help." He responded. "Okay, but uh, where're you going?" Ben asked him. "Just walking Wolf. No big." Connor said as he walked down the hall. After he couldn't be seen M'gann, Zatanna, and Ben looked at each other with the girls seeming confused. Ben simply shrugged and said. "He said he was just walking Wolf, he shouldn't be gone too long." "Ok, if you say so." M'Gann said.

Three hours later and the group were still waiting on Connor's return. "He didn't run away, did he?" Zatanna asked concernedly. "No, Zatanna, he wouldn't do that. It doesn't make any sense for him to do so. He lives here and doesn't really have anywhere else to go. Sure, there's always Superman, but that would require Connor knowing his secret identity. And him wanting anything to do with Connor." Ben said. "But still, it is worrying that he's been gone for so long." M'Gann said. "He can't be in too much trouble. Besides last time he went on a little excursion he met "New Gods" as he put it, running around looking for sphere and playing Super Sentai. If he had a problem, he'd call." Ben told her to keep her from worrying. "But, what if he couldn't? What if he's been taken?" M'Gann asked still worried. "M'Gann, he's a Kryptonian. Unless he's attacked by someone with a chunk of Kryptonite, a rare radioactive rock mind you, or magic, or concentrated radiation he's fine." Ben said. "That's... true." She said calming down. "Hey, have you guys realized that Superboy seems to be weaker than Superman? I mean he's unable to do all the things Superman can do, he also appears to struggle at times with things that Superman wouldn't." Zatanna said beginning to become worried for Connor. "Guys, who knows the reason why he doesn't have all of Superman's powers. I mean it could be because he's a clone of Superman, and those who cloned him may have not known what they were doing and were unable to give him his full powers and so he just has to adapt. Or since he was taken out before he was fully grown, he could not be fully 'done' as it were. But, if he is 'done' then how do we know Superman didn't go through a similar period in his life. I mean he's from Krypton but grew up on Earth, he could've grown up in a similar manner to Connor, hell he might not have shown any signs of powers at first and instead they coulda come in one by one. Add in the fact that Connor was found with a solar radiation suit on him meaning his progress was probably sped along anyways. The whole timeline as to when his powers were supposed come in is thrown out. Either way, what I'm getting at is we don't know the full extent of Connor's powers or why he only has a select few powers. But, that doesn't mean we should doubt him." Ben said. After a few seconds they began their Thanksgiving meal, saving food for Connor for when he arrived. 

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