E: You're welcome it was so nice meeting you.

H: yeah same here.

After saying goodbye and giving her a side smile I decided to head back to my dorm since I wasn't going to be able to hang out with Wednesday.

Then all of a sudden while walking down the hall I accidentally crashed against a guy who was turning the corner.

H:whoa I'm sorry I didn't see you

As I turned around to see why it crashed against it was none other than Xavier.

H:oh it's you. Are you ok?

X:uh yea.

I noticed that Xavier seemed stressed out about something and he was acting strange.

H: are you okay you seem stressed?

X: it's nothing you don't have to worry about it.

H: Hey come on I know you and me don't exactly see eye to eye but I can still help you with something if you need help.

H: So come on what's troubling you?

X: its the poe cup.

H: the poe cup why what about it?

X: why my team members isn't abel to  play.

H: oh I'm sorry to hear that why is that.

X: he got stoned


X: He's one of the Gorgons actually I believe he's your roommate Ajax.

H: oh so you mean like he actually turned himself to stone?

X: yeah he isn't able to play.

H: huh I see.

X: yeah so now I have to try to find somebody else to replace him because he's going to take a while for him to turn back to normal.

After hearing that I had an idea. Since Wednesday was going to participate in the poe cup why shouldn't I. So I decided to join Xavier's team.

H: How about I join.


H: why don't I join your team.

X: are you serious?

H: of course I am why wouldn't I be?

X: well it's just I thought you didn't like me.

H: well I will I meant you do irritate me at times but participating in a poe cup beats having to clean the school.

After I told him that Xavier gave me a smile and then proceeded to put his hand on my shoulder.

X:thank you this means a lot.

H:no problem.

X: All right so the poke up tomorrow I'll be waiting for you outside of the quad.

H:sounds good,meet you there

Then Xavier proceed to walk away and I did the same. Are you headed back to my dorm and decided to go to sleep sense I would need all the energy I could get to participate in this kayaking thing.

(Time skip)

It was the next day and after I finished my first classes it was time for me to head outside to meet with Xavier and get ready for the poe cup.

When I got there I saw Xavier and the rest of his teams preparing the boat with everything he needed.

H:hey I'm here.

Wednesday Addams x male reader (OC)Where stories live. Discover now