Chapter 7-Quiet and Still (+A/N)

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(Quick A/N:



It had been a week since school started. It was pretty normal.

Get to school.

Take your schedule.

Find your classes.

Memorize their locations.

Go home.

America wasn't expecting anything different when he arrived at school. He started walking towards World Languages and Cultures. He saw five countries talking and holding some papers. Weird, he thought, Why would Palau, Rwanda, India, Yemen, and Antigua & Barbuda all talk together? Did a teacher assign them in a group?

He went on to his class. Ame walked in, "Morning, Ms. BRICS" he greeted the teacher.

"Morning." She replied as she sorted out paperwork.

America took his seat. He didn't know how long it would be until the bell rang. 

"Hey, did you hear?"

America blinked, and looked to his left. There was Gabon. Ame didn't know much about her, but they were assigned their seats anyways. 

"What do you mean?" He asked, wondering what she meant.

"There are people who keep saying that some of the science supplies were stolen." She continued, "Over the weekend, apparently. They say someone broke in and took them."

Gabon had a mysterious look in her eyes, like she wanted to investigate and become the next Sherlock Holmes. America sighed.

"They're just rumors," He hated to break it to her. She seemed to like mysteries. "You can't always trust what people say, Gabon. But if you like mysteries, I can suggest a few good books for you instead? Maybe some online games?"

Gabon's eyes seemed to dull, "Aw, I wanted something exciting. But I guess books and games are nice too!"

Huh, I'm getting to know her. Ame thought. They chatted until the bell rang. Now it was time for class. Yay.

After a brief summary of life in Slovakia, Czechia, and what it was like in Czechoslovakia, class was over, and they had some free time to themselves.

The first thing Ame did was pull out his computer and earbuds. Music was one of his favorite things. However, he might have a bit of an unhealthy habit of blasting it full volume.

Gabon tapped his shoulder. He turned and saw her saying something, but the music was too loud to hear her. He took one of his earbuds out and paused the song. "Pardon?"

She blinked. "I have three questions."

"Go on."

"Okay." She began, "Number one: What are you listening to?"

"Oh." He decided to tell her, though he doubted she knew the song. "'Amagdyas Rag Doll' by Ghost and Pals."

"Huh." Apparently, he was correct on her not knowing what it was, "Second question: Can I hear it?"

America turned down the volume a bit and gave her one earbud. After a while, she gave him it back. 

"It's nice. I can't tell what they're saying but it's nice." Was her response to the music.

America nodded, "Yep. But what's the third question?"

Gabon smirked. "It isn't music related, but," she began.

Ame sat there patiently.

"Do you have a crush?"

Silence. Then a response.

"I- What- Why-" He stuttered. He couldn't think. 

Did he have a crush?

He wasn't sure. Maybe Russia, but, after the incident...

"Uhm, no?" he replied. "Maybe? I'm not sure."

Gabon nodded, as if she understood, "I see, it's complicated. All right then, I'll leave you alone now, friend."

America nodded, putting his earbud back in and turning up the music. Only then he had realized Gabon had called him a friend. 

A friend?


He didn't know Gabon too well, but she still considered him a friend. 

He was disrupted, once again, by her.

"Yes?" he asked, once again pausing the music.

"You said 'Maybe' for the crush thing," She said, "So I wanted you to know that I really don't want to be the third-wheel if you ever get into a relationship."

The bell chose that moment to ring.

(I haven't posted in so long so HERE'S A CHAPTER WITH LESS THAT 611 WORDS LOL-

BTW, yes, Gabon is going to find out who Ame likes or will like. She will be there as friendly support.

Fun fact: I used my Wheel of Names titled "Countries of the World" to get Gabon. I just really wanted a random country. Same goes for Slovakia, and then I got the genius idea of adding Czechia because Czechoslovakia. Then I used my Song Playlist for the song.

And I do love "Amygdala's Rag Doll." It's a good song and you should check it out if you haven't! :D

But yeah.

Hmmm... wonder what happened between Russia and America. Guesses in the comments!



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