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Author's P.O.V

A sob left her mouth tightening her grip on him while his hand was caressing her head ." It was unexpected ." She whispered in a low tone, Roe curved up in a smile ruffling her hair ." Nothing is expectable in this world, Hazel ".She sat up on folding her legs under a blanket and lift her chin a little. Her eyes were wet and they were glued on him while palms were digging the bed as she bend forward ." So, you're saying . Mr. Hendrik brought you two and taught illegal works . You two became mafia men for him . Are you regretting ? " She asked you innocently it make him chuckle.

" As I say, God always plans better for us. Hazel. It was better than roaming on streets and eating trash. He gives us surname, he gives us shelter and food. We two are thankful for his kindness even though he asks for something in return. But he's precious to us. He's a good man with a kind heart no one can say, he's mafia king ". She was hearing him with a small smile and concentration.

" Igo...Master is a good man but I don't think I would ever be seen his soft side ". She left her eyebrows with a tight smile while Roe laughed ." If he starts caring then, believe me, he won't let the person breath with his caring ". His tone was dramatically and both laughed but taking serious expression he added with deep thoughts ." He can pour his life for the person and won't even hiss to give breaths in return the person's peace ". She just shrugged knew she would never be that person. " I don't need to see his caring side because I've you ". She smiled so brightly and sweetly it make his heart dancing with the sync of hers.

" I'm glad to be your caretaker ". He kissed her head tenderly and seeing her red cheeks he chuckle standing up from bed. " I'm out to get ready we are going out . You need fresh air ".Her tiny nod makes her too cute ." Can we go after a while, I want to write my dairy first ." He hides his smile.

" What you write in your dairy? " Her cheeks turn redder and she pouted in disappointment ." It's secret ". He bend down holding himself on palms, his breaths were fanning her face while he whispered ." Am I in your dairy ? " Her breaths stuck in throat gulping hard, she turned her face try to look bold ." Yeah ! Somewhere ." He just stared at her pink lips and her beautiful face for good one minute and finally back away with a small smile ." Fine, I'm out cal..."

" Obvious I'm going to call you or else whom? " She twitched her lips up and he chuckled going out of the room but she couldn't hold herself to a hole in his back until he was out of sight.


" Roe, Hazel ". Igor called them but looks like they weren't there to hear his calling. He went into his room and found a note, I'm taking her out, she was feeling low and sad. I hope you won't mind if she breathes in peace. Igor exhaled resting it back, somewhere in his heart he was feeling guilty to take her club but other anxieties weren't letting his mind think properly.

He called the trusted man whom he gave the order to bring the truck of guns and smuggling ." Is everything going well? " Igor asked with his usual harsh tone ." Yes! master, everything's fine...." But a gun shot from other side heard and man cut off.

" Hello ! Hello ". Igor was chanting on phone but only gun firing came in return. With a roar he threw the phone on the bed." F**K ". Taking full fist of hair he set up on the bed. It was the third time when his billionaire goods got to attack. Looks like someone was after him and Roe to destroy their everything. Roe was receiving the threatening messages like him but he was calm like always other hand Igor didn't take the threatening note in carelessly. His mind was occupied with lots of things and only one thing was crossing his mind to f**k someone hard to get rid of anxieties.

He was ready to go out in a club or bar when heard a tink sound indicating someone's arriving. He paced out the length of the room and went out to see, witness Roe and Hazel who were laughing at something holding their stomach.

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