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Author's P.O.V

" WHAT TE F**K? " He growled making her flinched as she was already scared to death . His eyes shows the volcano and nose flare in rage . He clasp her jaw tightly and hissed ." You're not virgin " It was more statement than question . Her forehead furrow up in confusion not get it what he was talking about .

" You little leech..." He cut off with his phone taking his attention . He gave her first look who gulped with his glare . Her head jerked by his grip as he stood up from her and take out his phone .

" We will talk later about it ". He gritted his teeth and went out of the room and closed the door with loud thud . She was shivering badly thinking what he will do next .

She stood up from bed in fear might be got good lecture or beat to sit on luxury bed . She sat on floor caging her legs forming in ball . Her chin was trembling and lips were quivering it was cold there cause AC was on high temperature to freeze her .

Her pale skin was turning blue and she had no idea how much time had passed . The window was closed and she was scared to even open what if he came and don't like her to open window . Her stomach rumble and that was when she remind , she had eaten only last night three breads .

Her forehead start getting sweaty thinking to go out and found something to eat . She had no strength to went out but her stomach was cursing her to death .

With trembling legs she went towards door and peeked out , corridor was empty . She swallowed and went out leaving the door open . Her legs were trembling to take steps but hunger was being cruel to her .

She was end at the corner of corridor when smelled something delicious , tip of tongue caressed her dry lips as she gulped . Breathing was mere scare to let someone aware of her presence . She followed the delicious smell like some kind of dog and end up from a room which was surely kitchen .

Kitchen had two ways without door . She was standing at the left way to enter as peeked but quickly hide when found someone roaming around kitchen .

" Good job , Roe . Not bad chef you're ". She saw the man whispered but it made her confuse there was no one to hear him except her than with whom he was talking . Can he talk with ghost ?

He even patted his own shoulder with proud smile and she found him horribly mad . He was wearing a simple white t-shirt and sweatpants , his muscular arms were visible to eyed and bold chest was too as t-shirt was stick with his body giving his man beauty likeable view .

He had jet black hair which were messy and covering his bright forehead . His thick lips twitch up in smirk seeing the raw materials he had taking out to make something delicious .

She was observing him with deep gaze almost forget why she came here but the time she saw him resting the food materials on counter she licked her dry lips . Her hazel eyes gaze at the packet which was indeed some kind of food . Kitchen was big with center marble counter where he had rested the ingredients , it was white counter surrounded by chairs from front . Other stuff of cooking was on long counter which was attached to walls .

She gulped and waited for him turned around , when he turned his attention towards the stove showing his back to her . She bend down on floor and came in like a cat making sure not to catch by him . Her palms and knees were shivering cause the marble tiles were cold but her hunger take over her fear and circumstances . She hide behind the counter with fast heart beats . She peeked out and saw him busy to fry something . She gulped and took her hand forward to catch what she found first but unable to take cause he turned back to take the cheese packet .

The moment he again gave his focus to stove she showed her half head up from counter and gulping hard her hand catch the packet what she found first and hide quickly but shuffling of packet catch his attention , he turned back to see but didn't found someone . He shrugged thinking maybe it was his illusion .

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