Twenty Seven

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"The dragons" Joffrey complains to me "it has been several months and they aren't as big as a horse!"

"My king" I rub his back as I pull him for a hug "please remember that no one has seen a dragon in over a hundred years" I read one of the books on dragons and how to take care of them, my dragons are growing at a healthy rate. Right now they are all the size of a fully grown German shepherd, much bigger than the dragons Daenerys has. I feel bad for those dragons since even though their older they should be the size of large golden retriever but no, their the size of a fully grown chihuahua "but you'll love this, these dragons are much bigger than Daenerys Targaryens"

"Really?" He asks excited looking at me "so my dragons when they're fully grown will be as large as Balerion?" Nodding my head and his anger and resentment goes away "Thank you Aunt Bloom for hatching my dragons"

"Of course" I hug him back "now, go off with your Uncle Tyrion and win this battle like your father" kissing him on the lips briefly even though I hate it "for good luck"

He smiles nodding his head leaving while I go to the room where all the noble ladies are going to be with Sansa, my maids no friends because they are my friends Naya and Dahlia, my children who have grown much in the last three months—I managed to get word to Ned Stark thanks to Naya who tells me he, Arya and some guy named Gendry are on their way to the Wall. I am thanking the gods everyday for my friends and Arya, Corin has sent word that she is keeping Bran and Rickon safe. That Theon faked their deaths to be gruesome—in Naya, Dahlia, and Sansa's arms. Sansa's maid Shae is also here, I know she's Tyrion's whore and I'm not saying anything about it since it's not my business who he keeps.

"Why" Sansa asks me "are the dragons in here with us?"

"Their not big enough to be fighting yet" I remind her as my dragons are at our feet, the other noble ladies are scared of them. They should be.

When the door opens, we see Cersei, Tommen and Ser Illyn here. "I don't know why" Sansa complains when she sees her "she wants me here" another baby is crying in his mother's arms, luckily my babies are calm and sleeping in ours "she's always saying how stupid I am and hates me"

"Maybe she hates you less than she hates everyone else" Shae suggests

"She doesn't" Naya shakes her head "she hates Sansa, but not as much as she hates Bloom"

"But why?" Sansa asks

"Sansa" she looks at me "you can't provide anything to Joffrey other than babies, you come from a Great House yes but that house is at war with hers. Her twin brother who she loves greatly is being held captive by Robb, your literally a reminder of every terrible thing happening right now plus she never wanted you to become queen. She doesn't think your strong enough to handle the responsibilities or the courage"

Sansa is close to tears "Sansa" Cersei calls and Sansa goes over to her.

"Tommen" he smiles coming over towards me and the dragons, Apollo goes near him. Since hatching, Apollo and Tommen have become quite closer. I believe they have a bond "how are you feeling Tommen?"

He looks up at me "I'm afraid"

"Why?" I ask

"Because Joffrey doesn't know how to fight" he complains "I do, from your lessons and the lessons from Ser Barristan—mother won't let me be a warrior"

"I know" stroking his hair "it doesn't seem like it now but your a bit too young and" whispering to him "pray that Joffrey dies today, don't forget that you and Shireen are very close" when I heard what Stannis's wife Syleen does, how they keep their daughter locked away because of an illness she overcame I was enraged. So I suggested Tommen write to her since Tommen likes Shireen, now they correspond every day. I even wrote to Stannis asking if it's possible for Tommen and Shireen to be wed one day, I told him how Tommen loves writing to Shireen and misses seeing her in person. He wrote back maybe "so Stannis won't have a reason to kill you"

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