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~Ned's POV~

I swear this girl is a gift sent by the gods themselves, she's an amazing young woman to be there for Arya. I mean I've been wondering along with everyone else how Arya in the last few months has become more respectful towards Septa Mordane and her mother, now I know who to thank. I still see my wild wolf in Arya but her wildness is focusing her energy on other tasks that I have to thank this Bloom for. When I met her, I thought for a moment that she was a Tully or related to Catelyn for her eyes and hair. But her hair is more of a fire color than anything and the blueness of her eyes is more beautiful than Catelyn's. I love Cat, I do but I was always skeptical and doubtful about Septa Mordane being there for Arya since I didn't think she could control her wild nature. There is no controlling it, this Bloom instead has Arya be more focused on other activities that helps with the pent up energy.

We watch as the girl goes to a piano and begin to play a song, a song I've never heard of before.

We clap for her as she stood up and curtsied "My daughter and son" I asked Jon a bit after dinner yesterday about this Bloom and he has had nothing but kind words for her, if I didn't know any better he is in love with her about how he talked of her to me "have told me you can cook?"

She nods her head "Yes, my lord. Dishes from my homeland that I can remember along with some sweets such as cookies or pie, I hope it's alright that Arya, Jon and I made some cookies one time"

"More than alright" I assure her as Arya exclaimed "the cookies we made were incredible! She even got them to be made into wolves mother! Father!" She runs over to Bloom and hugs her "she's amazing!" I look at Catelyn who has been silent, last night she was ranting about how this Bloom could be an imposter just wanting money or something else that I got no sleep. Now she's completely silent, I don't know if it's good or bad.

"Why don't" I suggest "you kids go play with Bloom outside?" They nod their heads and Bloom is brought out of the music room with Bran, Arya and Rickon while my elder children are here along with Jon who looks to us for confirmation to leave, Septa Mordane, Maester Luwin and my ward Theon.

"You know mother" Robb says to Catelyn "this Bloom is like a gift sent from the gods, she's perfect for Arya. I mean no offense Septa Mordane but this Bloom obviously can teach Arya, Arya looks up to her and respects her much more than she ever did Septa Mordane"

"I'm having Septa Mordane teach Sansa" I say to Catelyn "while this Bloom to be there for Arya, it's clear this young woman is very talented and educated. From what we've learned her story is true, if she wasn't from a noble family she wouldn't know what she knows"

"She knows how to fight" Catelyn complains

"Lady Stark" Jon speaks up "if I may?" Catelyn narrows her eyes on him nodding her head "Bloom...before coming here she mentioned being friends with a princess"

"A princess?!" Sansa shrieks "this isn't fair! That girl who is no older than them is so talented and beautiful! She must be the northern gem we've been hearing about" yes, none of us have gone to see who the northern gem is. The commoners all say that Bloom is a truly beautiful woman, we know it's this Bloom since they use her name and some have even described her "now you tell us she was friends with a princess!" She runs out crying as Septa Mordane runs after her.

"Cat" Catelyn looks at me "even you have to admit that this Bloom is the answer to our prayers regarding Arya and her disrespectful nature towards you at times"

"She fights" Catelyn complains

I look at Jon "What specifically does Bloom know regarding fighting?"

"Using her fists and feet" he answers "she knows how to use some weapons such as a bow and arrow and fencing as they call it in her homeland which is fighting with a thin sword, I've seen her teach Arya and Arya doesn't use weapons. More like learns how to use her fists to punch and kick people. Only recently flip people over like Arya did with Theon"

"My lady" Maester Luwin speaks "this Bloom from what I've seen is very well educated as you've been hearing, she could teach Arya to be a very well skilled Lady along with Sansa. Sansa doesn't know how to play any instruments, just read and sew"

"Fine" Catelyn agrees "but Septa Mordane still has to teach Arya some things such as Weaterosi history and songs and other important lessons she needs to learn and she must teach Sansa an instrument to play" she leaves and we follow to see the kids in the courtyard and see Bloom punch through a stone wall.

"Did she just destroy that" Theon asks "wall with her bare hands?"

"She did" Robb confirms "did you know she could do that?"

"I did know about that" Jon nods his head "told Arya and me that it takes a while to master but with the right trainer you can learn much"

I go down to them, they look our way and Bloom curtsies "Miss Bloom, I would like for you to be my youngest daughter's new teacher"

"Really?" She asks

"Yes" nodding my head "you are more than qualified and since coming into my daughter's life you have been a better influence" than Septa Mordane, but I don't add that.

She smiles "Thank you my lord, this is truly an honor"

Nodding my head, Arya shrieks jumping into my arms hugging me "Thank you father! Thank you!"

"A room" Catelyn tells her "shall be readied for you"

She nods her head "Thank you my lady, my lord"

"But I do have conditions" Catelyn makes it clear "Arya must be taught the histories and songs of Westeros by Septa Mordane since you do not know them, if you teach Arya how to fight it must be after her lady lessons since they are more important, and lastly you will teach my eldest daughter Sansa how to play an instrument"

Bloom nods her head "Of course, my lady" Catelyn leaves probably to inform Sansa and Septa Mordane.

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