𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙝 𝙤𝙛𝙛

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Quinn and Puck want their baby back but then Puck kissed Shelby, so he doesn't know what side he's on.

Santana and Brittany have a secret thing going, and they quit the Glee Club to join the Troubletones.

Sue and Burt are mad at each other because they're both running for Congress. And Kurt, Rachel and Brittany are all mad at each other because they're all running for class president.

Everyone's mad at each other. It's crazy. But Willows just kind of living life.

And that's what you missed on Glee.


"Good job today, ladies. But tomorrow i wanna see more hustle, alright!" Coach Thomas yelled once everyone filed into the locker room. "This is our last game this Friday! Y'all need to be on your A game or else we're running suicides!" she threatened.

Willow went on to grab her clothes to change. "Can i borrow some soap?" Daisy asked. "Last time i'm gonna ask, i swear!" she pleaded. She gave the girl a look but reluctantly handed over her soap. "I'll be quick i promise."

"Good!" her coach yelled. She peaked her head out of her office to see the girl look in her direction. "Come here real quick." she said.

Willow placed her clothes back in her locker and went on to go in her coaches office. She took a seat as the woman shut the door so no one else listened in. "What's up.."

The woman held an envelope in her hand making the girl go silent. "Got this in the mail yesterday," she said. "Wanna open it?"

Willows eyes stared the envelope down. She hoped it would disappear into thin air. She knew what it was. "No."

"Why not? Could be big news."

"Or could be something to crush my spirit and soul.." she said reluctantly. "I was hoping it wouldn't get to me so soon." The woman took a seat in the chair in front of her and put the packet on the table beside them. "What if it says no?"

"You haven't even opened it yet, sweetheart." she softly said. Willow looked down at her hands as she picked at her pinky nail. She took a breath before leaning forward to get her attention. "How about you open it at home with your parents? Might ease the pain."

She didn't respond immediately. Her coach let her be until she was ready to go.

By the time she got home, she sat on her bedroom floor staring at the envelope. It was haunting her. She had to open it sooner or later.

"Wil! Dinner!" her dad yelled from downstairs. With a sigh, she stuffed the packet back in her backpack and went downstairs.


By the next day, all the New Directions and Troubletones went to the auditorium. Rory held Willows hand as they walked behind everyone.

They were all confused seeing each other. "What are you doing here?" Rachel asked.

"Shelby said she had something to show us. What are you doing here?" Mercedes said.

"Mr. Shue said the same thing.." Finn said.

"Let me guess. He wants to combine choirs for sectionals." Santana added. "Well it's not gonna happen. The Troubletones are here to stay. So why don't you shuffle your busted choir off our stage."

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