𝙣𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙 .1

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    WILLOW PREPARED FOUR BATHS FOR FOOTBALL PLAYERS AND HAD JUST GOT DOME WITH SAM'S ICE BATH. She poured the last bucket of ice in when he took off his shirt and climbed in.

    Finn and Willow watched confusedly as he sat down and let out a relaxed sigh. "Dude. How do you stand that cold tub?" Finn asked.

    "I'm used to cold showers dating Quinn." Sam answered. His expression gave off that he was bummed out.

    "I'm gonna get you more ice before i hear anything else." she said aloud. She took her bucket and turned to head to coach Beistes room for more ice.

    She knelt down to grab the ice scooper when she heard someone at the door. "Hey do you mind making me a ice bath too?"

    She turned around and stood up as she saw Nate, the kicker. He was standing in the doorway with no shirt on and his hair was still wet from his shower. "Don't you think you'll get sick? You took a hot shower and now you want a cold ice bath?" she advised.

    He smiled as he laughed. he's cute.. "I guess you're right.." he said. She went back to scoop more ice into the bucket as he continued. "I was really just making an excuse to talk to you. You're Willow, right?"

    "You don't know my name? Nate?" she mocked. He just stood there and smiled. He started to fiddle with his hands and she could tell he was becoming nervous. "What else did you need, Nate?"

    "It's not a need. More like.." he started to think. "I wanted to ask for your number." He met eyes with her and gained enough confidence to stand up taller.

    She didn't know what to think. She had just came to the conclusion that even though she did have feelings for a certain someone, she'd push them aside. But there was Nate. He's no Sam of course but he's a great guy.

    She grabbed one of coach Beistes pens and a sticky note. She walked up to Nate and handed it to him. "How about, i get your number instead?" she suggested.

    He pushed his hair back and didn't wait to write the numbers down. She looked out to see Sam and Finn still talking. Her gaze lingered on Sam. She was going to get over him. She brought back her attention to the guy in front of her as he was done. "Alright-"

    Before he could finish she took the paper and put it in her pocket with a smile. "Great. I'll call you." She turned on the balls of her feet to finish getting more ice as he walked away.

    She got enough ice and brought it to Sam where she squatted between the baths had a huge grin on her face. "What are you so happy about?" Finn asked looking to his friend. She pulled out the sticky note and he took it carefully.

   "You got someone's number?" Sam asked.

    "Yeah," She snatched the paper back and put it away.

    "Who was it?" they both asked. "Was it that one guy that tossed the ball in your face?" Finn asked.

    "No. And, not that you need to know, it was Nate.." she said standing up and grabbing the ice bucket. "Unlike what some people said," she looked to Finn annoyingly. "I do know how to talk to people." He gave a sheepish smile before looking down at his hot tub.

    Sam couldn't stop looking at Willow. He kept on wondering why Nate of all people asked her out. And why she agreed. He didn't know why though.

    He was with Quinn. Maybe that's just what friends think for other friends, he kept telling himself. He was just looking out for her.

𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙩 || s.evansNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ