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    Life has been looking good for me so far. I've been getting closer with my mom, my love life is back to nothing(the way it's supposed to be), and the only real drama in my life, is Glee.

    Of course i still have the issue of my Chemistry class, but i could easily pass that. Science was my favorite subject growing up and i know that if i try hard enough, i could pass with a B.

    Right now, Willow sat in her Chemistry class doodling in her notebook. The teacher, Mrs. Ale, was going around handing back everyone their test they had taken the week before.

    Some were silently cheering to themselves as others expressed to the whole class how they felt. "This is bullshit!" one kid yelled.

    "Maybe you should have studied more, Todd." the woman shot back. Willow laughed under her breath before realizing her teacher was at her desk now. She looked up and plastered a smile. "Hmm." she let out.

    She placed the thick packet on Willows desk. In a bright red ink, the number 30 out of 100 was circled. "Woah-Woah! How did i fail?" Willow asked. She started to flip through the packet seeing most of the answers she thought she got right, have an X over them.

    "See me after class." Mrs. Ale told her and went on about her business.

    For the remainder of the period, Willow sat and stared at the test in horror. Once the bell rang, she quickly and sloppily packed her bag and headed to her teachers desk as everyone else filed out of the classroom. "How did i fail?" she questioned.

    "First of all," she started. "This is the fifth test of yours you've failed since November. And secondly, you're failing my class, Miss Good."

    "Failing your class?" she shouted. "How the hell am i failing your class? I turn in all my work and i double check it!"

    Mrs. Ale shook her head and scanned her grade book. She tapped the paper once she found Willows name and turned it around to face her. "You do good on your homework. Just not tests." she informed.

    Willow looked at the clipboard and took it into her hands to get a closer look. She had high grades but low major test scores. She put the board back on the desk and looked at her feet. "My moms gonna kill me.."

    Mrs. Ale was a straightforward woman who didn't let things slide or let her students fall behind. She stood up and walked to the shelf to the side of her classroom. She grabbed the book with a big 1 circled and faced Willow.

    "I will boost your grade, if you can get at least half of this book down by next Monday." she said. She saw as the girl let out a sigh as relief and reached out for the book. "But.." she said retaking the book. "If it gets to me any later, or you haven't done any of the work.. your grade stays the same."

    "Please don't tell my mom.." Willow begged taking the book. "I at least want to try to get my grade up before i get yelled at."

    Her teacher smiled and nodded.


    The book was in front of her as she sat in her room. She stared at it not knowing how to start. She'd done work in a student book before but the size of it really didn't seem like it was real.

    It said it was a book for regular chemistry. She flipped it opened to a random page and saw the first question. "Nothing." she said. "I don't get it- How is this a book for regular Chem?" she asked now facing Finn.

    He stood up in her mirror with his mouth wide open and his finger poking at one of his teeth. He made weird noises as he let his finger roam around.

𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙖𝙣𝙩 || s.evansजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें