𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙤𝙘𝙠𝙮 𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙧𝙤𝙧 𝙜𝙡𝙚𝙚 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙬

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IT WAS THAT TIME OF YEAR. The time when you could prank and scare people with no care in the world. It was one of Willows favorite holidays.

And yet she was sick at home the entire day. She caught a cold from a kid at school and was told by her parents to stay at home until they were certain she wasn't sick anymore.

"Honestly, i don't even feel sick, guys." she lied to her parents as they stood in the doorway of her bathroom. She held herself up on her counter trying to not sound as sick as possible.

Her hands were clammy and her nose wouldn't stop running. Not to mention she felt hot and cold at the same time.

"Wil, you obviously can't stand on your own. You're staying home." her mom said. She made her way to her daughter and gently grabbed her shoulders.

"I really am not that.. sick-" she tried to say. But her body got the best of her. She pushed her mother off of her as best she could before running back to her toilet where she threw up her tea. She sat herself against her tub and wiped her mouth. "Yeah, i'm just..just gonna stay home today.."

The whole morning her mother would call and check on her every 10 minutes before she told her to take some medicine and go to sleep.

By the time she woke up it was nearly night. She didn't know how it happened but she was on her living room couch wrapped in a thick blanket. She slowly grabbed her phone off the coffee table and saw the messages from her parents.

Dad: Working late. Drink lots of water!

That was a first he'd be working late.

Mom: Had to pick up a late shift. Call me if you need anything.

Both of them were going to be out late. She'd be alone at home with her dog. But even her dog was sick.

She looked over to King, who laid on his dog bed, and patted the couch for him to sit next to her. He did so and the two snuggled up together. "I know you can't be on the couch but it's only for a few hours.."

The two were watching tv when her phone rang. "Hello?"

"How ya feeling, buddy?" Mike asked over the phone. His voice had a whisper to it as if she was a child.

"Shut up.." she replied. And right on cue a sneeze came out making her yell in pain. "Oh my-"

"Oh.. ew." Mike said. She was ready to yell at him but was stopped. "Anyways- While you were at home, Mr. Schuester said we're putting on a musical. Guess which one he picked."

She stared at her tv for a moment. "If it's Grease that's such a cliche."

"No. Rocky Horror." Mike said, nearly a whisper.

Willows mind was flooded with questions. why? does he not remember seeing it? he's gonna get fired. why?! "Why..?" was all she could say.

"No clue. He said he's gonna make it more school appropriate."

"How?" she questioned. She understood that it would benefit them all but there was no good way to make this musical PG-13.

"Don't know. But i think i'll be playing Frank-N-Furter.. so.." He sounded hesitant. He knew he wanted to but he felt like backing out.

"Why do you sound like that?" she asked. She got up from her couch and slowly made her way to the kitchen.

"Like what?" He tried to hide it but failed.

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