𝙗𝙡𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙞𝙩 𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙘𝙤𝙝𝙤𝙡 .1

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Quinn was dating Sam, but then she kissed Finn. So Santana told Sam and now they've started dating.

Will's not dating anyone and says he's over Emma, but it seems like he's still got a thing for her even though she's married.

Kurt's really into Blaine, and Blaine likes Kurt, but he says he just wants to stay friends.

Willow's having a hard time getting over Sam and says she's not avoiding him, but it's obvious she doesn't want to talk to him.

And that's what you missed on Glee.


"No, Noah." Willow stood at her locker with Puck to her side with his lips in a pout.

"Don't call me that, dude." he whined. She shut her locker and sent him a fake smile. "Come on. It'll be one time." he said following her.

"Again.. no." she repeated. "I can't risk my parents coming home next week and heir house smelling like beer and piss."

"It'll only smell like beer, i promise." he said stopping her in the middle of the hallway. "Look, Rachel said no to having it at her house this weekend and you're house is the next best thing."

The girl was ready to leave when Rachel called the boy. "Puck. There you are," she smiled. She did her little strut until meeting both Puck and Willow. "I've decided to host the party this weekend. Tell all the Glee kids that it's this Saturday." she beamed. She looked and grabbed Willows arm and squeezed it before skipping away.

"Well, would you look at that." the girl sarcastically smiled. "Guess you will have your little party." She patted his shoulder before trying to walk away again.

"Wait, wait," he said stopping her again. "If i give you a ride there, can you bring some of your folks liquor?"

She pursed her lips up as she looked to the sky and tapped her foot. "Hmm.. You want me to raid my mother's expensive alcohol for teenagers to drink at a little party?" she questioned. Not taking the hint, Puck smiled and nodded. "No!" she cheered. "I'll just have Finn drive me."


It was Saturday night. Willow ended up getting a ride from Puck after all along with Lauren. She laid sprawled across Rachel's home stage bored out of her mind.

She got to the type of bored where you mess with your fingers and face to feel something. She tossed her hands down and looked to her side hearing Blaine at the stairs.

"I'm totally off the clock right now, Rachel," Blaine said, taking off his scarf. "I'm not a Waebler. I'm just Blaine. I'm not even wearing my uniform-" His words got cut short as Willow flung herself at him and Kurt, bringing them into a hug. "Oh- Hi." he smiled.

"I missed you guys.." she whined. Kurt tapped her shoulder making her let him go, but kept her arm linked with Blaine.

"So, this is your dad's Oscar room." Kurt pointed out. Blaine took off his coat and looked around himself.

"Yes. They transformed our ordinary basement for our famous annual Oscar parties." she answered.

"Is that a stage?" Blaine asked pointing to where his friend recently left.

"I like to give impromptu performances for our neighbors sometimes." she said. Her smile grew bigger once Quinn started to walk to her. "Hey, girlfriend." she cheered. "Having fun?"

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