She was trying to hack into Jimin's phone. She wasn't a troublemaker for nothing.

Hea was very impatient. There was no way she was going to sit all weekend and watch Jimin ignore her and maybe do something even worse.

She didn't want the last incident to repeat knowing she wouldn't be there stop it.

So she tried to find out herself.

"Fuck!" She slammed her fist on the bed.

The information wouldn't load for another day.

"What the fuck, why?!"

Hea shook her head and took a deep breath.

"Let's try again."

And the same thing happened.


Giving up on it for now, Hea closed her laptop and allowed herself to relax.

Soon enough she fell asleep.

The next day when Hea woke up, she texted Jimin as usual.

And like every day for the past couple days, she was left on read.

The girl did her morning routine and sat on her bed waiting for Jimin's phone information to load.

She needed to know what made him so scared.

And then it loaded.


Tons of messages.

Not from a stranger but from his own father and stepmother.

It started the day she told him to stay at Jin's house a week ago.

Hea read through the messages and there were threats.

Some very descriptive from his stepmother about what she would do when she sees him again.

Then from his father, telling him if he doesn't come home he'll destroy everything he loves and his two little friends at school.

Hea was disgusted. It made her more furious and impatient to carry out her plan.

Then she read the last message.

It was an invitation. Different from the threats before, Jimin's dad invited him to a family dinner to "reconcile".

Hea was beyond furious but then her love for Jimin took over and she became concerned.

She understood why he ignored her.

He didn't want her to get involved or for her to get hurt.

Hea needed to see him.

She ran out the house and sprinted to Jin's place.

Probably looking crazy, but the girl didn't care.

She hurriedly knocked on the door and a strange, tall man opened the door.

Completely different face from the people she's seen the last time she was there.

"Uh who are you?" He asked.

"Is Jin home?" Hea asked impatiently, shifting from feet to feet.

"Yes he is." The male answered, suspiciously.

Just then Jin appeared in the door way .

"Hey Hea! Jimin's upstairs. Come in."

She was agitated as she entered the house and all she wanted to do was run upstairs.

My Innocent Baby BoyWhere stories live. Discover now