Knowing he had more essential things to do, he got up and headed to the parking lot, leaving his cousin behind. He was grateful to his assistant for having to jot down the proceedings of the gathering as a
minute. What Hassan did after his departure was none of his business.

Walking through the unilluminated foyer of his manse was nothing but excruciating. He missed how he would come home to the aroma of mouthwatering delicacies teasingly assaulting his senses. How she would hug him from being and tell him how much she had missed him. He yearned for the days they sat together and discussed the day's events over dinner. He was disturbed. He felt empty and null. He had been just an atom away from driving to her apartment when Fareed told him about her apartment being supposedly plagued. He wondered what would have transpired if she had been at home at that time. It made him shudder. For security purposes, he ordered a security company to bind the place with full CCTV coverage, and other security measures available. He opted for the best they could offer.
He liked how he still cared about her after everything that has happened. It only meant that his heart hasn't grown cold towards her. It would never. At this juncture, he was convinced that she couldn't have such a thing. He didn't need any evidence to prove that for himself. The misgivings of her absence taught him that.

He didn't switch on the lights in the living room either. He pretty much navigated himself through the vaguely illuminated house.
On muscle memory, his feet carried him up the stairs, then to a room he had wanted to cherish its occupant
so dearly
He twisted the doorknob to the room and was greeted by utter darkness. His hands found the switch and lit up the space within the fleet of a second. The room looked exactly like he had left it in the morning. She had been so happy when he presented the furnished room to her. An immaculate burst of white and purple. He made his way to the rug in the middle of the room and settled on it. It was so soft and would have accommodated its original owner gently. He reminisced a memory he used to cherish so much. Apparently, it felt haunting. He had dreamt of a son. In his dream, the child was more inclined to Mariya. The toddler who was a little bit older laughed contagiously as Mariya tickled him__ Naseer.
It felt haunting because he knew all hopes of it happening has been shattered. The pain of having to abandon a dream was bugging him, but seeing it die without being able to do anything to kindle it alive was far worse.
He shut his eyes and inhaled deeply when he felt a few drops of tears cascade down his face.

" Allah," he whispered. He could feel his chest tighten in despair.
He felt like crying his heart out in prayer, with his forehead on the ground. It was as if God had come down from the seventh heavens to exclusively console him. It always worked better than magic. He also prayed for his wife, hoping that she would find ease in whichever state she was in. He was still mulling over whether to call her or not.


The screen of her MacBook displayed sections of live footage of the security cameras that had been installed around her apartment. She was still shaken by the incident that happened earlier in the day. She didn't want the police to get involved, although Fareed had pressed. She wasn't even allowed to take a breath of solace even for a split second. It was always one problem after the other. Single-handedly, Fareed had set the apartment back into place before they left for the hospital for a much-needed appointment.
Apparently, Fareed was out to get them some food to eat. He complained about her not eating well. After ensuring that the security cameras were functioning without a hitch, she shut the MacBook and made for her suitcase that was right beside her bed. It was easy to navigate the side zip and fish out a black leather file. She flipped through the pages and stopped when she found what she was looking for. A sonogram of her baby and a few sheets of paper that included every bit of her hospital records regarding her pregnancy and its termination. She didn't want to have it around her anymore as it reminded her of her failure. In a fit of anger fueled by disappointment, she shredded them into bits and discarded them into a bin. It did nothing to subdue her anger. The anger gave way to grief, and she wept hard.
Fareed returned with their meals, and it wasn't hard to make out her flushed face. He made sure she was filled to her satisfaction after she had cried for the second time in his arms. He spoke to Zayn after putting her to sleep. He assured her husband that she was handling everything quite well, despite the breakdowns. He hid nothing from Zayn. Once again, he thanked Zayn for the security prompts at his sister's apartment before ending the call.

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