"Sir, how can I help you?" The waiter politely asked.

"It will be the biggest help if you go from here" Namjoon scolded him in mind voice.

Jin ordered a few dishes for them as he knows his husband's likes in food. Then they both sat in silence, Namjoon opened his mouth to talk but closed in nervousness and Jin waiting for him to talk as he is the one mistake so he expects the other to ask the questions.

"I..." Namjoon started, at the same time the waiter came with the foods and placed them one by one on the table.

"Anything else? Sir"

"Dumb the food my head" Namjoon mumbled in irritation, Jin absorbed him "Thank you, don't disturb us" the waiter nodded and went back.

"Ho..how are you?" Namjoon shuttered and his soft tone was enough to make Jin cry. Yes, he started crying, leaving the poor man panicking.

"Jin, what happened?" Namjoon asked, again Jin cried more hearing his name from the love of his life after many years. 

Namjoon stood up then sat beside the crying Jin and immediately got hugged by him, he froze seeing his wife in his arms.

"I am not okay.. I am not okay" Jin hugged Joon's abdomen who hesitantly snaked his arms around the shoulder of his wife.

"Jin, don't cry please I'm here with you now" Namjoon wiped away tears "Let's eat now" He took a plate for them and served. He regrets asking the question which made the younger cry hard.

"How are you?" Jin asked, liking their closeness.

Namjoon sighs "You cried, I didn't, that's the difference" Jin got what it means.

"I am sorry" Jin looked down, another set of tears gathering.

"We have traveled a long way to the place where sorry will not heal" Namjoon said, taking the spoon near Jin's mouth.

"I'm sorry" Jin again asked, he doesn't have anything in his hand to heal their life, the least he can do is seek forgiveness.

Namjoon eats his food ignoring the continued apology but his hand stops hearing "I love you Joon" Jin finally said, he kept asking sorry even though he knows he doesn't deserve the forgiveness.

Namjoon looked up at his face again Jin mumbled "I love you"

"Jin.." The former chairman was stunned and surprised how three words from him shook his whole self.

Jin hugged him "How can you be normal after seeing me? I want to look into your eyes, I wanted to hug you, I wanted to hide in your arms"  he backed away kissing the whole face and caressing his cheeks, he looked at his husband the changes in his face, the missing teasing smile, the thin body with baggy clothes, he is totally different now, everything changed.

"You taught us to live without you Jin" Namjoon's blank reply sent the spear in his heart.

"I'm sorry" Jin gulped the tightness around his throat.

"Twenty years is not a short period of time, you left us on your own and now we learn to live without you" Namjoon's words make Jin cry more.

Teardrops fell from Namjoon's eyes seeing his love crying, he lifted Jin's face "Jin, I'm sorry don't cry, let's not talk about this"

"I can't help, why did I lose my home.. why me?" Jin falls on his husband's chest who hugs him by saying some calming words.

After their first encounter, Namjoon didn't meet Jin but his memories didn't leave him. He knows it's just a mere attraction so he concentrated on his work to earn money.

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