-3.3 fuck feelings, truly.

Start from the beginning

The group moved away from the trembling girl as she pushed herself back into a wall, her hand on her chest and trying to ease her breathing. She gasped for a few more moments before finally catching her breath. Cassie leaned her head back on the wall, the only sound in the room was her rapid heartbeat and uneven breathing.

Steve was the first to step forward, "Cas, are you all right?"

"Patrick," she muttered, gaining Lucas's attention. The boy stepped forward, leaning down in front of Cassie. "He killed Patrick."

"How do you know that?" asked Lucas, his eyebrows furrowed. Cassie looked up, confusion written on her own face.

"I saw it," she admitted, "At a lake. Jason was in the water, Eddie on a boat. And- and Patrick died. Like Chrissy and Fred."

"Shit," muttered Steve, holding out a hand to help Cassie up. Cassie took ahold of his hand, standing up too quickly and swaying on her feet for a moment. Steve kept his arm around her, holding her steady. The older boy frowned, "Cas, you're bleeding."

Cassie nodded, motioning to her neck, "I know."

"No, your nose," said Robin, stepping forward in concern, "And your ears."

Cassie furrowed her eyebrows, reaching up to touch nose. She didn't know how she hadn't realized it before, but her nose was pouring blood. She moved her hand to her ear, her mouth falling open from the amount of blood spilling out.

"Oh, shit."


"Steve, I'm going to punch you in the face if you don't shut up, like, right now," said Cassie as she laid back on the couch. They'd went back to the Wheelers for the night and everyone had been acting as If Cassie had died. Steve wouldn't leave her side and had asked her every couple of minutes if she was okay. Cassie felt fine, other than the physical and mental exhaustion she was experiencing. The bleeding from her nose and ears stopped not long after she made it to Nancy's car, and her neck stopped bleeding by the time that they made it back to the house. Cassie just wanted to be left alone.

Steve rolled his eyes, but stood up and made his way to one of the chairs. Cassie could tell he was pretending not to stare at her, but she wasn't stupid and could see him look up every couple seconds. The rest of the group was upstairs grabbing snacks, considering they hadn't eaten since breakfast.

Steve remained silent for a not even a full minute before speaking up again, "Cassie?"

"Oh, my god," she cursed, opening her eyes and sitting up. "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to tell you... I would be really upset if you died," he spoke slowly, as if he didn't know exactly how to say what he wanted. "I mean, you're kind of my best friend, like, ever. I... need you to live because you're like a sister to me. An annoying one, but still."

Cassie stared at her friend with wide eyes. Neither of them were good at expressing things, and she could tell that it took a lot for him to say that. Cassie's eyes watered lightly, Steve's eyes going big in concern that he had said something wrong. Cassie threw herself off of the couch and into his arms, pulling him into a tight hug. Steve was surprised at first, but hugged back just as tightly.

"You're like a brother to me, Steve," she muttered into his shoulder. "Thank you for being... you."

Steve could feel tears prickling in his eyes at her words and hugged her tighter, "I love you, kid."

"Well, obviously," said Cassie, arrogantly. Steve rolled his tearful eyes and pulled away from the hug.

"Way to ruin the moment," he smiled sarcastically as he wiped at his eyes. Cassie pouted mockingly.

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